Freshmen Embark on College Career
In the summer the freshmen received their first glimpse of college life as they went through summer orientation. I.D. pictures were made, endless forms were completed, schedule cards were filled out and personality and word tests were taken. The students with their parents were given a brief tour of the campus. Several night-time activities, including a dance, were provided.
When the freshmen returned in the fall, orientation started again. A meeting with the Dean of Women for the girls and a meeting with the Dean of Men for the boys was included in the orientation program. I-reshman guides were there to answer questions and to help the freshmen get to their appointments on time. As always, the tuberculin tests given at the Medical Center were a painful part of orientation.
This year President Oswald gave a tea for the freshman class in the Grand Ballroom of the Student Center. At the tea, each freshman was introduced by a hostess to Dr. and Mrs. Oswald, Dr. and Mrs. Albright, Dean and Mrs. Harper and Dean Seward. In the evening, the President's convocation gave the freshmen a chance to become acquainted with the different deans of colleges. The President welcomed the freshmen to the University and stated that he hoped each one would benefit from his college education. After the convocation a reception was held in the Student Center to give the freshmen a chance to personally meet the Dean of their college. The convocation ended orientation for the freshmen.
The actuality of being a college co-ed provokes a smile from this freshman as she compiles a schedule for fall.
The fee payment station, which finalizes registration, is ready for tomorrow's students.