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Enrollment Increases, Registration Improves
Registration came early this year with the usual proportionate increase in enrollment. The policy of summer registration for the freshmen was continued. They were saved from the anxiety of closed classes, long lines, and changing course times.
There were, however, many more unfortunate students who were not able to register before the fall semester began. For them was left the unbelievable task of juggling class schedules, searching for advisors, substituting courses for those required, and the old familiar exclamation of the student as he waves his white class card, ". . . But Sir, I'm a graduating senior!"
Somehow people survive the inevitable problems of the constantly improving system of registration, but the strain of it is always captured in that I.D. picture, taken at the door as you, finally, leave the Coliseum.
"I did have my brown card this time."
I really am supposed to register at
Standing in linean apt definition meaning the registratfon procedure.