iii l{12x11*1‘1<1· lIAr<111111o14
’I`l1o point sysieni is :1lsn llS(‘lI io olvlnin '
llliil'0 :1<:r·11r:1to r··r·or1l of il11— Hlllll|‘ll(·S ww
I11 tho point system:
.’\—3 Points.
B—2 Points.
1*-1 Point. 1
` D—0 Points.
_ ln every college :1 sL:1nrli11g of one or :12
:1,\‘erage of C is necessary for :1. slllilfilll 11
» 1·r—1ecive credit for his work. _ /
; Ill nrisc :1 student receives I in his wnri _ 1
! which means incmnplete. he is >:1»111<-ti111‘·
1 ziven :1 el1z1.11ee to take another ox:1111i11:1ii1»1 3
‘ within one month zifter the opening of tin
1 next semester.
Z A sturlent is reqiiired to h:1ve 120 cre1li1: {
, to grmluute from any eollc~;.;1—. A 1·re1ii1
Q ropreseiits 0110 hour of recitztiioii or i.11·1» `
= hours of I¥Lbl1l`flt(lI`)' work :1. week, 1:<111ii11111·1i
T for one semester. Most of the eo111·s1·s ull {
; fwreci are for three hours ot` rc:·i1:1iio11 .1 1
J week, thus giving II11`00 credits il s11111<—s11—1·. `
2 V. thi- i
. 1'
i ;
» I BICl,IICVl·l I {
' 1
` I lwlievo in -l{CIllll<‘l()', of 11l1i1·l1 I :1111 :1 I
1 pnrl, and in the wor]: Il1:1i I :1111 t:1l1i111J.  
< :111rl i11 my ;1I1llity to get results. ’ [
¤ I believe in workiiig, not \\'l'(‘])lllg§ in
‘ hr1r1:=ti11g, not kllOL‘kIHg', :11111 i11 the 11le:1s111‘1· Y'
I of my work. .1
I believe 111 tO(IZl}’ :1111l the xrnrk I :1111 rl1·  
- ing; in tomorrow :1.1111 the w1>rl< I hope i1> ’
d0. :11111 in the sure l`l"l\'€1l'(I il1c· f11i111·e holds. [
' I believe there is so111eil1i11;.r lining, some `
11·l1e1·r·. for every 111:111 re:11ly in (I0 It.