2$ T{lZN'l`l't`l{\` ll,xxr>nl>l»l;
I·`RlENI)SIlll‘ (`0UN(‘ll, `
'l`h<* l·`ri0mlship 1`·»l1m·il wus urixuhizwll
uhnut thc mirlllla- of tho ycur 'lflilil-24 uml
hnltls meetings c·\`<—ry two wcvlts for thi-
promotion of the "Y" program. This c01m—
cil is n·0mp0sl·g<~s wt-ro <·u1ul11¤·!··l;
Q ir. thu frut<·rnily uml ]'U<\lTIillg` lmusvs fm *
; thc fmirtli your. 'l`h•;~ l.{l`Oll]')5·l mot ouch wnnlt
' for thirty minutors. using the text, I°.]t‘Sll:·'
Q A[!'$lS\ll'(‘ of u <`hristi:m."
Q rl`\\'l‘ll[}'—|·l\'(‘ groups l·ompl<·tr:<, ci;:ht hy stmlmils uml lhr<~· l
2 hy u lllilliSl.L'l`. 'l`li0rl— wus un u,\‘t·1·ug.:r
  wcnlaly 5l[t(‘ll(`l$lllt‘(‘ of IHS. 'l`h¢- l`iihl<— Stml; il
was (’](>SCil with il lvuhquvt. hr·lm·0 uhout two-tliireis !
` uf thc timv is spout in listcniiig tu ull-
drcsscs hy the must prmninviit stmlriit
speakers in Amvriuu. uml in stuilyihp: thl~ j
important religious uml social prublwms ut
V thc rluy. 'l`h0 rcmuimlnr of this timv is
spout. in rvst uml rs-t·r<·uti•m. sul-h us uth- F
V lctivs. liiltim:. ¤·l<·4 lZlm· lli