in_ioynrent when one has some- t
thing really antt truly wonderful to discuss. t
\\'hat eoultl be more interesting than the E
Y. \\'. tj. A.? livery organization has wished ’
I you new girls 0. hearty welcome and wt-.
  too, want to say "h0wdy" and add our
  greetings. l’erhaps some of you may not
V know what the Y. \\'. C. A. is and what it
  ·lot·s; it is to you that we are tlireetint: Q
Q this inessage. l—Zvt·ry member of the Y. \\i'. .
.; wants you to know that sl1e is interested in `
; ` all you new girls antl will help you in every '
Z? possihle way. Une eau never forget the
  first. yt-ar—we all know its ups and downs. ,
:2 and if there is anything you need to know, ’
  or il' anything puzzles you, ask us and w··
H van ht-Ip you.
: i
E Z! "` =
Q ~ , l
t .
\ \\'o nt·t·d not only the ltr·lp of the girls '
_ ( that live in the tlorinitorles hut also the eo-
; operation of those who live out in town.
‘— ` livery University girl is needed to make
‘“‘ ` this org:tnization's work effective. There
_ has l»t’·t·n a speeial eoniinittee appointed to r
‘ arouse the interest of the town girls. \\'e Y
[ hope to have all the girls attend the Sun» ‘
day night services and also the soeittl fune~ V
_ tions whi<·h the association gives. ]i` we all
work together we shall have rt truly tlein— Y
T. oeratic spirit in the Y. \V. C. A. i