:1: liiexirueiur Illxnnuoox
'l‘he Y. \\’. C. A. wants all the new girls
to have :1. hearty welcome as soon as they
iwucli Lexington. For this purpose n re-
vepiion eomirrittee, uoinposetl of the cali-
· inet and other members. has been forinetl.
. These girls meet all the trains and may be
` recognized by their blue and white badges.
I 'l‘l1e Cabinet will continue to wear thrse
` · vniblems two weeks after the heginning of
:·t·hool, iner·\ing 5ou.
l .\t 0:30 every Sunday night se·rvie¤~s are li
I l-t·l¤l at Patterson Hall. During the week,
i on all nights except Friday unwl Saturday,
llevotional servimls are eonnluetell in all the
halls from 10 to 10:15. liible study vlussi-s
are azarrietl on weekly in both. nlorinitories [
and fraternity housz-s. About once a month
the Y. \\'. ll. A. anal tho Y. M. (T. A_ i-omv
· iigether for it joint Sunday night meeting 1
which is held either at Patterson Hall or `1