2 |{i·:x*i*n<·iimm<
` l)EI)I(?.»\'l‘ION
1924 11118
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(`l,,\SS TEX
i 'l`u lhc l'vl`L‘Flllll2ll] Class .Iil2·l-28 this lirml;  
`, ie: rlvnliettletl with the hupo that you will
I read it e:u·efully; preserve it during the 1
E ezumimx yezirs, mul elierish its innnirwy l'ni··
L ever. [
i lt is our request thui. you, at un curly
Y period in the eollegc life you are just uu- i
; ieriug, get at glimpse qf real w<11`tliwl1il<* I
; university eiuleetvor mul strive tu zi<·c;umpli>;h I
· :1. genuine ztim in life. If y0u do tlizil, then
J 5uu will lmve rlum: something nuhle ;1i1·l
, eurieliing uml when you pass {ruin old "l{»·u»
5 tu¢·ky" you will be un .\lumnu:< ui` whivli she
‘ \vi1l ba proud. `
` \\`¤· greet you uml wish you lmii \‘ny:1y,:r·. _
2 I