ll I
rl l{l·`\J'l`l'<`K\' ll.w1»1mni< 4::
l1 its own and keeps it tliiwiiiglihtit thu {hui `
I; - ynars, .\L those ni•·t·tin;:s gnnvral topivs of `
,,. l in-twrhst tu bt·;·inn<—rs :ir<> discussod and very
[_ V lIll\'*l`\"5lllI}.{' lcctiiros arc s<»int·lini··an ¤·i` thi- r`nlh·g‘<-. {
l` HENRY (`l,.\Y li.\\Y S()(`IETY _
ll 'I`his sricivty, une i»1` thc must active on V
ll l the ('1llll}>llS. was l`l\l'Ill\‘ll hy and fur students Q
" in tho <'i»ll<-;:0 of Law. Sub_jt-cts of logal ¥
V ~ and pnhlilz intcrvst arm discussed at their
" w¤·¤—lr—
{I l ;4iniz··¤I in NWS hut. :nl<»pl¤··l its 1>r¤>s<~ul i
l_ l n:i1n¢» in lilll whwn it ht-onine a stuclvnt "
l hr:in<·li ¤·I` rim .\ni»·ril·:in Instituto nf Mining: l
1 l·lngin¢···rs,  
  0’l‘lll·IRi (‘I,l’I§S ·;
\\`hill· Kl:1lh#·inali<·s Vluh. llislnry l`lul¤.  
Iinglish <`lnI», li:ii`i1n·sq11w ]\·itany l'lul». lin- ij
·~ i:;;t11•·o ],:i11gu:1q¢~ \`Iuh. <‘l;i:=si¤·al Vluh, l’rt·ss Q
1-: ~ .\:i·il·|y. I‘sy<·lmlh;_;y <‘1nh. l’rz-m0rl-
:. t i··al <‘l11h, Irl·>r lwr>·i`i1`\I1s in
`_ m` ihvir vlass and whn haxw l···rtain student  
`l , at-tixiiihs. lz