l{i;xri~c1 ward realization of its calling. Q
  This happy condition owes itself as much
__ ‘ te the admirable spirit of thc student body —
as it does to the acknowledged excellent. ,
[ leadership and vision of its faculty and it is ·
_ confidentially believed that with contlnu· .»
ation of`tliese happy conditions it will grad- E
\. ually continue to go forward in the sublime i
l`_ _ cause in the behalf of which its energies V
M_ are enlisted. Q
ll . I Tt is gratifying to' reflect that the ses· E
n i sion next preceding this one was an occa- Y.
ll sion of outstanding achievement on the part f
.. { of the student body, the administration and L
ll- the teaching force of the university. But lj
· only a continuation of such loyal and sin- '  
1.;le—heartcd effort can continue to produce tf
these happy results. To that end. there- tc
fore, this little publication is launched with k
the confident hope that it may prove a *;
guide and an inspiration to young men and
' women who are coming into our midst for ’
the first time to remain for four years.
I U ln behalf, tlierefore, of our common Alma `
Mater we greet you, we proffer help, we I
hope you will permit us in some way at ·
( least to serve you that both you and we ·  
may be able thereby to serve the state and ~
humanity. _