ti l{i;xri·i·i;y lltxnimma
· 'l‘hre Yursity Hum'lh00l< is publislnal hy tin- i
, Y. Al. t'. .\. und Y. \\'. <‘_ A. uml given lit i
` ··ni·h stmlcnt on `|ll11il`il'l\ilIIi()l\ in S~~pti>inl»•·i·.
r It is hnnwn us the "Fre·slimun`s liiblw,"
 ~ givin;: int`urin:itii»n that will bv hi~lpt“nl tn
ull now stmlonts. An effort hus hiwn inualv
Q in [ll‘t·]\Lll'll\g thc liuiullmok this your to in-
E ··r»rpnrut<* intn its (‘0\'<·l‘S tho spirit. of thu .
'_ l'niv<-rsitr und of the T(cntn<·lci;in us w·~ll
Q ue: thv in1`<¤rm;itic>n which will he nsvfnl in
I thu now sttnlcnt. livery frvshmun shhnlil
L rmiil this html: tlirongli uml wi- think you
1 will t'in¤l soinvthing inivrcsting us wvll us
{ \`1li\lZ\i»i»* in its uontvnts.
j x u »
’ 'l`l1+· w<·¢·kly rtnnounccnienis uro to notify V
t Si\l(i¤‘ll[S uml t`;i¤·nlty of ull iiicotiiigs aimi ·
Q i-nti-rtuininnnts. uthlcelic contests. <·L··.. on
; the winipns, it is issmwl by the: Jnurnailisin >
· i)t·})1ll'i,l`l`lt‘ll[ uml win ho found nn ziny l·nl— :
; I··tin h<»:i1wl in thi· mlit`t`¤·rcnL buildings, l
1 The Kentucky High Svliiml (]\l2ll`it*l'i)' is l
' i»nl»lisli0¤l hy the Dup:1rlim—nL nl' l·Zilm·;iti¤»n il
_ zinil i·¤»ntuins illi·t>l'lll&Iiit>ll nf vulnn in ti·m·h— j\
‘ ¤~rs tlimiiglihiit thc stale. i
· 'l`his is tho wi¤<·lx¢·€·pti<»n ·»i` th•· ni··- A
··liuni<·ul m‘u,l