i{l·.N'l`lH`l{\' lltxxiiiuina; ll} I
I SC1l()L;\RSllll'S ANI) PRIZES  
'l‘l1¢: culleges of the Unitml States are ins V
ih-ht·~1l tn the lnie <`e1·il .`l. lllimlvs fur l»1·· E
I__ 1{uoathing zi fund 0uii of wliieh two scholar- I
In 1 ships in the University of Oxforil. Eiiglaiid. I
_I._ are given annually tu each state and ter- I
·- ritory in the United States. I
In year. I
lv I
11-   I
VII 1&1sN·rU(¤1;1AN *
tu The SillllC‘lli.S’ annual publication is <·all1··l I
III the l{e11tu<:kia,i1. This beautiful \'i)lllll1t‘, well I`
,.11 wn1·tl1y of its name, is compiled and puh-
as lished by the grarlimtiiig class. with same ]
a:~sisi.a11ee from the other classes. Each
year the junior class elects an assistant,
1`y husiimss manager who becoines business .
ini IllLl.llll;`{('1’ in his senior year and lilcewisv :1. ,
on junior editor, whu vtlits the hook in his -
an ’ s·-nimr year. ,?
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TI];   ’l‘l1ll>< xnavle hy the siudenis. !