54 I{l£N'l`U(`i{\' iltxxmweora  
The course in Military Science is dc-
signed io give the student :1 physical, men-
tal und moral training which will he val- ,
unble in his innlustriril or professional l-a1·l·or `·
_ ns it would be should our country neenl his `
services us rn lr·ad¤·r in the llefcnsive l`or¤·cs i
i of the Nation.
The course in E\lilii:try Science has :1 l'¤‘1li
2 educational cis well us :1 military value. lt
offers to each si.u.
‘ ]’rt·sinncn mul Sopliuumrvs are rcquirvil t
to salute <·:\de·t ol'i`i1·crs.