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——-   lil;x‘1·l=<‘kr Hi\Nl>ll0L)l{ G1 ~
1{l·]N'l`l`(‘li\ SONGS j
[ ox, ox u. on ic.
On, ou U. of K. ‘
i We are right for the fight today; Y
llold thuylw ball and hit that lim-, l
‘ livery \\'il¢l4·ut Star will shine- l
\\'c'Il fight. fight, fight .
{ For the Blue and \\'hit¢·: l
We will roll to that goal \'au·sity €
.\ml wo‘Il kick: and we']! rnn—-  
'l‘ill Old ....................,. is (I0lll‘ l
And w<·'|l bring homu the victory.
I HAIL ]{`ENTU(l1{Y ·
~ Hail Kentucky. Alma Mater!
Loyal sons and daughters sing; 1
Sound her praise with voice united: l-
V,) ’_l‘o the breeze her colors fling, ,_
· ‘ 'l‘o the blue and white be true; ,·
yl lladge triumphant age on age; l
lllue, the sky that e`er us bends;