` 1(l£NTUlIK\' llAN1mool< 5
l nm sure zi student rissnclziting Q
himself with the \'. M. t`. A. and ]
Y. \V. C. A. during 1·0Sldem·v at thv ?
lllll\`t`*l`Sl[y will bu thc richer in spir· Y
itnul life. Spiritual force is 41 grant J
agency for accomplishing things. lt {
is worth having and worth cnlilviit- ;
V ing. Conscquvntly. thc n¤>wco1nor .
{ t·:in‘t afford lo pass by the Y. M. C. A. 2
limi Y. W. C. A. §
In :1ddiii0n those organizations ;
bring fellowship, new vision und ain L
opportunity for sorvlcc. livory mztn _=
Q und woman should join when com- ;
i ing to the university. Tho student j
Q who docs will bc huppicr. Happiness .
§ nmkvs for boils-r wnrl: und zi l»i;:p;x:i· ·
I ( ;ippi·eciut,i0n of llfc. `
V l
i l·RESlI`»lQN'l‘ FRANK I, Mt·\‘l·l\'. L
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