70 Kmzrucicy Ikmmzooic
The \\'ildcat was quiet the following night,
Sadness prevailed in every football home. t
This was the day that 1‘ricc McLean, star ,
center on the Cat team, received a fatal in- t
jury. The blow came in the third quarter L
of the game, but he continued playing. 1
fighting, forging onward for his Alma l\ln-  
‘ ter. The University boys were victors in
E this game by a 14 to 0 svore but it was a K
, costly victory, for early Sunday morning ,
_ McLean died of the injury, t
V One of the best ganres of the season was {
I played on the following Saturday and it
Q looked as if the strength, both offensive  
Q and defensive. and weight of the \\'ashing,- 1
» ton and Lee boys were going. to defeat the 3
i local team. However, probably spurred on l
t by the unseen presence of their martyred
Q teammate they fought as Kentuekians fight `
{ and succeeded in tieing the score in the
g late quarters. It was a memorable gain`- [
  and a noble assemblage witnessed it. The  
i final score was G to 6.
_— Maryville College was the next victim on
s the Cat card and it went under by n 28 to tl ,
i score. Maryville showed a fight in the I
` first quarter and in the last quarter, but `
1 . they could do nothing with the passes and
t end runs of the University boys. Maryville t
E appears regularly on the Cat card and al-
; ways presents a clean and fighting team. \
t The annual scrap with Georgetown re- ‘
. suited in a 35 to tl victory for the local buys '
and never was the Kentucky goal in danger.
j Georgetown made numerous substitutions, as Z
2 did the Cats, for this was the game be1`ore [
  ~ the yearly game with the "Fighting and f
* Praying Colonels" of Danville. tieorget0wn's E
I spirit did not die. despite the fact that they  
` were beaten, and their cheer leader kept tln·  
V pep up until the last whistle had blown, `L
· toinpletely outelasslng the Kentucky stands ~
· in this department. `
The Centre scrap on November 3 was at  
· red-letter day in the history of the institu- Q-
tion, but as this gaiiie has already been  