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  Kxzxruciu; I{:\NI}BODi{ 95 t
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{ Patronlzc Our Advertisers -
xi ~ .
  Please int us urge you 10 trade with those F,
H" ig firms whose :tdv`>rtist—ments z1ppe;u· in this  
**1* i, bmok. 1
nu L _ I
These merclmuts received our represpxitair . ·
_ ti tives very cnrdizrlly amd were- more than  
`jl 1 <·0urt.eous to them—they were "§mr usf
ii" Other orgrmizzmtions thztt reserved spew
` ` were more than glad to he represented her··.
ms _
th Several business mon re-nrr;u1ged their
ill Ei nffuirs to meet our requests und it is §\`2\\i» ·‘
t [ying to the student body to know thut ·=.
\__ 5 smne had used up the entire ctmmmt set Q
{M ti aside in their budget; for advertising.: hut ih   ‘··
u_ · order to be represented iu our hunk, stuuw  
lh ·• other dcimrtmeut was charged with oust of (
` this space. ]
In .
“ Just remember our advertisers when muk» ~‘
hl iu: at 1vurt·h:1se or untit-iputiug future 1t·»··d.-
iu é AD\*l·}!zTlSTNG M;\N.\¤ltIli " ·
‘“‘ 1 . “
—— g A ¤» .
{ 1’ve h4'1ll’t—t the old rmush:1·~l:I·· 4 A
I0   Kentucky lwlezxcliers ¤·r:1t·i;h- ·j
ll, _. i':1lt‘11 time :1 \\`ihit·nt tuukh-  
{U _ Torc off rt 11ult`i>:1<·k's feet. i
of ` Tve heard the people wishin` ` *'
ul 4 ’1‘hey`d 1\C\'x‘l' lmught :tdiui~si··u. ~ ;
g They hud u premouititm  
_`_ ] '.l‘h0y'd never get ax seul. A' »
.~ J U I
:0 " But soon we'll hotter h»ud·~r tr ,
ll 1 \\’ith vuivc-s more aud ]\l`(\\lti¤‘\'. {LQ
Q \\'¤·'l1 wlitvrtztiu the cruwd ur  ._
j Try mighty hard. by gum. `_T
‘· i Theu waxtuh eztvh ]’r•>i`, aud st·ht»l;nr  
"`   That ever gave tr dollar \ .=
" ! Stivk out his rhest dud hotter ! LC
. * .. ·, , . . . · .-- J"
{ t..1At· du out !~L.Uil#llI\\. *
._ ew
5 .l. A, 4SIM\·» 1·1ST\·ZS.  
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