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  ° Social Morality: Focus '69 l @`g Q E   it  
      i .-Gene Mason C0mI\1€¤t5 3     {  
    }   Student Dissent: ls It Mindless _ _ »  i\*  g
 ’ Q T Activism? 4 V¤·¤¤~<-= 40r Number  . . i . as i
    p Summer I969 i'    ‘
{ i   A Blade ot Grass 6 PA _  l yl
Q l l , #3*
      "For I tell you God is able in {    ‘
i   l to raise up children _  P
 ' g   to Abraham" W ~ A
 `     . Y · '  
f g i The Performing Arts i3 r  .
V.     Alumni News . .  
’ i A 3  Y `
j 1 ‘ Fetterman Wins Pulitzer 3l {  
  2 From the "lvory Tower" 32 y
 i . A lt l A · l tl D 33 D   A fl)
  Q oys er pporn e ean O    
F { Stewart, "Oustanding Man" 34
l   · · t it 4 If N W h  
 Ig   y Llttle, Deputy Chle of Sta 3 Ot?   i js 
 j   i y Class Notes 35  
    l I I I S   O • · (D  .P€aC<‘fu} a.s·.sm1ll;]y rr
· i _ M¤Y V¤$¤*0¤'$ t° C¤mPu$ 38 S      Qlazcsa »S'ill([(’ll[ lo 1,,-
    = p  *if’Cli0l1 fo »\l`ll({(’Il[,\ [_
l ' · fr 
    COVER STORY: l:a»,h€,.q-homas Menon, LM Diverse views on subjects of public interest are  
‘   D_ ’63l renoungd Trappigt monk, who died pI'€S€Ht€d lll tl`1€ Magazine; tl'l€S€ V`l€\VS do I`lOt H€C€S·  
.   r A last December in Bangkok, Thailand. Photo- sarily reflect official policies of the University or  
_ i graph by Gene Meatyard, one of the nation's opinions of the editor. Since a portion of each '   Q l
A Q '““'Y °'°°“"° F’h°*°9'aF’h€"$· S*°"Y °"' Page magazine is devoted to thoughts of individuals, the Y  .
y 2 ‘° énd ·¤$·d¤_ b?¤‘< COM COW d·=S·¤¤ éy chances of total agreement between writer and editor.  zi
 Z Q aoiaiiie M' W"kmS°"' Depanmem Of Public or writer and reader, are slight indeed. We do not  {
 a ~ 8 B lOl"l . “ . . ri · .
t   S believe the everyone-must—speal<-w1th—0ne—v01ce phi-  Q youth todlw do
 x     losophy is of the best interest to the University. Tht  in · .‘
_ l nctlolllcss lll te
» i EDITOR: Joyce Todd truth that one man sees and attempts to express CHU  mem with Socicb
L ` DESIGN: Thomas E· Clark, Jr, often come into Sl13.I’p€I` t0CU$ when it ¤PP€m`$ iu CO"`  :iV€1‘sitv_ Thur We
 `j ASSOCIATION ol=l=l(;l;R5; trest to €0¤fi1<>t1¤g· 0pi¤10HS. I  inghti}. SQ by No
 i Joe Creasonl president; _]_ Paul Nickeill   your vlewpolnt ls not expressedt We We Come "  ‘il1I`l(l3m(>nm1 Congo
 5; vice president; Jay Brumfield, secretary; l€tt€I' tI‘OIl'l yOU Stiltiflg yOl1I` position. {OY you me at  Yus-thc pemiqtcuc
E ` Mrs. Joe F. Morris, treasurer; Miss · · · ·  ; I ` ` `
 y ~ Helen G. King, director of Alumni ““P°’ta“t "P‘°€ Of Our U““’€rs‘tY· _ mv  ‘—P0l€Tt}’ emu {uci;]
— ; Affairs The merits of student dissent are being hG£ltL({  llbmdofthc Wim
 g { y The Kentucky Alumnus is published quarter- discussed. In an effort to proyide our rcadCtS **1%* . Biiiyespousiblc V
 Q- A Iy by the Univgrgify of Kentucky Alumni AS- some of the arguments on all sides, the Magazine IMS  ihe Consequence ·
ij sociation and is issued to all alumni, who are presented several viewpoints on pages I-5.  ‘ hey realizé I
  active members of the Association. It is · , (l_  3 G
 , · edited by the department of public relations The article O"_ F"th€r_ Thomat Mcrmm page 1  i°“‘°“S*mte that it
 ;» ; and printed under its direerlen. Second Class should also edd mslght mtv mw ph¤l<>S<>ph¤¢¤l qw  ¢>¤k¤t>iy1edg,. qc
    ptcgsggie paid at Lexington, Kentucky tions about life and society.   €¤t, reiicciimi  
    _ ` am “’ ‘°‘““°‘P=**¤
  E  pe €0mmunity n
  A .  l°““€lY So, but