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I Ti courses that
  _ for the kinc
  _ ln answer
i   l _ you think th;
  ‘ _ · black or xvl
  ` test? he an
  I _ are valid re;
.   in i society
_ E _ _ racism and r
    t0 threats of dvisruptionpas a taxa muchopposf
V   .   mun1ty—mclud1ng all its t~leiiit—ia~v Umsocmll
. .   students, faculty, alumni   wml mul
E Y trustees. The university has to lieils im Am, tim
  own salvation. It has t0 declare  buildings. “_
1   own values and stand up and tie thousands Oi
  feud them-” V putscliists
Y dissatisfaction in an orderly man- Bayard Bustin, longtime Lili being Ciitist
p ner, without interfering with the rights leader, who is lil;1t·k.sen‘sil‘.al thm]; they }
I . rights of others or disobeying civil colleges which agree to hlucls   the dgcjgim
laws. dents` demands for black stuiliti people whe
The Prev. Theodore Hesburgh, programs are taking the Cll€21ll“`ll` taken whe
1 p1‘€Sid€nt of Notre Dame, recently out, Instead, he advocated tllHl€¤l‘  should do th
I [ received national recognition for leges need to develop iiiussiv¤‘—l¤li Thurgood
\ J- his warning to student protesters. experisive-remedial pr<>jcctSl¤”l¤l‘ Negromemi
P is He sent a letter to Notre Dame stu- prove the scholastic level of New Court in R
k   dents warning them that anyone students and to enable thrill it Speech at
‘ i engaged in disruptive protest make their academic way A Dillard Um
  Probably one of the most dis- would be given 15 minutes to desist In a question and answvf FWOU that black It
  turbing occurrence ever to happen or be liable for suspension. with a reporter on Nl‘LU`(l llllmlpl law should
  OU an Am€YiC&¤ Campus WZS the But the scholarly priest later campus, Rustin_ who is vN¢<`l*l"`“ consequence
  sight of 3.1'm€d black militant Stu- added, “I didn’t want to como out director of the A. Philip llimllnlllh ·· · and it S
  d€DtS at C01'I1€ll University HS they HS 21 hawk. I Wanted to act as a Institute, pointed ont (hilt Ntmfi RMB is nota
  filed out ofthe Student Center after rational man, reacting to a crisis have made Slll)St1UTllill ¥*““‘   lllifacialag
  their occupation of it this spring situation. I think young people de- educational opportuniti<‘$» ull l’  'mihiug wit]
» during P3.I‘€I1tS’ W€€k. The Uni- serve to know where they 5t;in(l_ tlierofore all the m0fl’ trnsis lm HIE bombs i
‘ versity of Kentucky also has dis- They need better leadership than instead of taking :1