i ll    -
I i` G
icourses that cannot prepare them A     _ ;
for the kind of life they have to " A  
live.” . ` j .
In answer to the question “`Do •   i L
you think that the college militants, l I I ` ,
black or white, have a valid pro- i i S
test?" he answered, "I think there ` p l
are valid reasons for protesting. . . ` . ° _
in ii society where we have war. I ` E
racism and poverty . . but I am very I 1
* il (Gul much opposed to the use of violence ·  
?l(`Ill€“l$· (inasocialprotest) . . . and against On the lighter side, an equally -
ni md whaticall pntschism, brown shirt- valid point was made in a recent _ r j
im bell ism. Any time 20 or 30 people seize column by Bob Brumfield ’5l (no   I
Fclilwlli buildings, which must be used by kin to the Alumni Association’s '    
ml ll? thousands of people, they’re being acting director, ]ay Brumfield), in I g 5 A
putsehists. In addition, they’re the Cincinnati Enquirer. In part, ;   I
HW Cllll being elitist, that is to say, they he said, "I see where the administra- p I   `
Stllilhli think they have the right to make tion at the Oneonta campus of the I   _ I
>l¢lCkSi“° the decisions for thousands of State University College in New     -
k Slllllm people where no vote has been York has endorsed a demand by cashmere sweaters. Then there were l I A
h€tll""ll taken. Who are they that they black students that they be given a several of my peers who lived off l
ltlli*i“l' Should do this?" S35 weekly spending allowance. campus in nice apartments. Lots of   ‘
ssiv€’-lllll Thurgood hlgrgligll, the Hrgt "'I`he black students base their the other students had these things.  