gigigigig c c
    7 ’ jim McD0ruztd, Executive Director, UKRF
  made to release in a controlled manner. Ralph King ’59, one of the Universi- After the drug reaches the market,
3%;;: Often, toxic drugs, such as those used ty’s patent lawyers, has a Washington the researcher receives the long-awaited
  in cancer chemotherapy, distribute oiiice in addition to his Lexington one. proiits from his work. The money is
 · throughout the entire body causing un- After reviewing the committee’s disclo- split on a sliding scale with 60 percent
  wanted side effects. Targeting the drug sure, he has the Washington office run of the first $25,000 going to the re-
.7    could minimize or eliminate that prob- a search about other proposals in sim- searcher and the rest te the Univesjty
  lem," ilar areas. The University uses the money to pay
  He visited japan during May for a "It usually takes about 30 days be- expenses first. The second $25,000 is
  lecture and talked with a drug company cause of the backlog," King said. split evenly between the researcher and
  E interested in his product. After determining the novelty of the the University. The next $50,000, the
  Before reaching international propor- idea, finally it is sent to the federal of- researcher receives 40 percent and the
  l tions, UK’s inventions began with a lice along with a $500 filing fee. The University 60 percent. Any money over
  H parachute disreefing device in the mid- rest of the $3,000 includes attorney, $100,000 is split 30/70 between the re-
 -   forties. Opening in 1946, the UKRF is- printing, and a variety of other fees. searcher and the University.
 · _ sued some of its first patents to Karl Receiving 3 P?1i€1'1t, however, is only The University money goes in a pool
 .:::31 Lange, who was a professor in mechani- half the work. Many tests must be run to support research, such as buying
::::::;*2 cal engineering and early director of the in the *3356 of drugs. to d€t€Fn'1in€ the equipment or helping graduate stu-
': agi  Wenner-Gren Aeronautical Laboratory safety of €21Ch- dents. UK’s patent policy, last revised
:::_; ‘j en eampugn Pankaja Kadaba, an associate re- in 1983, is currently under revision.
$:2   Although another of his inventions, Search professor in organic chemistry, McDonald said, "The revision is to
:5:E:"  the skin-fold caliper for measuring body said, UFift€€n million dollars is a include a provision earmarking a per-
3:;  fat is still in use, the area of patents is modest €Stlm?1t€ to put 21 drug on the centage of return to the area where the
E:E:iI  constantly being revised. 1'n211`k€t.” invention originated."
:3:  It can take two to five years and She is in the prOCeSS ofsolioiting drug Hussain feels this will enhance the
:5:5,  $3,000 to $6,000 to obtain a patent. companies to teSt the 1, 2, 3, Triazole growth in an area such as pharmacy
::::*  That amount Cart dguble if the inven- Anticonvulsant Drugs. They are a new that has already proved its potential in
5:;:;  tion must be patented internationally type 0fanti·epileptiC compounds She de- developing new ideas for the market
{Z5. ; because of translation fees and varying veloped through a three year, $90,000 place.
:;:;i ' laws in other countries. Essentially, a grant from the National Institutes of At UK, researchers in many different
  p3_t€I'][ fl_1]']Q[iO]']S the S3]']']€, to p[`O[€Ct [h€ H€alth. EITCZIS   be I`CC€lVll']g   profits, b€‘
:Z:Z:Z ‘ rights of the inventor, but the explosion In addition to the expense of market- cause every day they stumble across
;i;:;:,,·j of technology makes it more difficult to ing a drug, it can also take several new ideas. I-low many will make it
ZEZEZEIE determine if an idea is new. years. King said, new legislation passed through the patent process is unknown.
:;:::3 At UK the process starts with the re- in the Drug Price Competition and Pa- The important thing is the University’s
  searcher approaching the foundation’s tent Term Restoration Act of 1984, involvement in research.
  nine-member committee, composed of would add five years to the life ofa pa- As King said, "It is exciting to see
  faculty from a variety of disciplines, in- tent after proving a delay. our University coming up with impor-
:::§E$§ cluding medicine, law and engineering. "lt will also make it easier for generic tant inventions in many different areas
  Although the committee usually decides drug manufacturers to enter the mar- that can help people in many different
  much sooner, it has 90 days to deter- ket. This will mean better price compe- ways.
Z;Z;$§;l mine if the University is interested in tition." "It is exciting for the state of Ken-
  applying for a patent and incurring the Companies, like Eli Lilly, which are tucky to have scientists who are working
jgifijg expense. Usually, the idea is approved heavily involved in research usually on the cutting-edge of technology."
  and sent to one of four patent attorneys bring out the new drugs, but the act  
  employed by the University, based on also will allow the other companies to Emibr/l/[arse 7}.5 wmtet/nkmigr aiapublimgigm
:2:2;;:;; their expertise in the area. produce after the patent’s expiration. intern with the UK NationalA/urnnz'Armcia1ien_
  UK ll