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 isi   _v·,v 5  .` A*_A I _ eg it      r   _~’4_   ..     ';_Z_   .,;`  elif ·=_= Q    
T¤Ik To Me Be All You Con Be , 
Last year, one-third ofthe tapes in the   I   The U.S. Department ofthe Army has  
University of Kentuckyls oral history   ®`; # r ; commended the UK Army Reserve Of-  
collection were "heavily used" by Nl ` vi, 1   iicers’ Training Corps (ROTC) for be-  
scholars and writers from all over the _   . I     ,` ing in the top five percent of more than  
U,S., says Terry Birdwhistell, director   300 detachments nationwide. i  
ofthe oral history project within the de- The award was presented in a special  
p21I`[ITl€I][ of special COll€CIl0l'1S €il'lCl ZIP C€I`€1’HOl'lY I“€C€1'1Kly   GCD. rl`l`lOl'I13.S  
chives in the UK Margaret I. King Li- Low School Lightner of Fort Knox to Art Gellaheri i  
braI_y· In fact, the   ccllcctioni Originuted   Court (jh3_]']C€llOI‘ OfUK’S L€XlHgtOH CaITlpU$·  
which centers on the history and culture   Gov. Martha Layne Collins pro-  _  
tl Kavluglr, e eee Wrlrlr ml   hihhhi ofthe UK college ottaw have mel Me lt Arty ROTC. Dsl ln  
ery year y 0th scholars and the g€I1€I` _ _ , K€HtUCkY 1l'1 I`€COgY11UOH of UK S hOT1OT  
al public, Birdwhistcu Saw Them are eomrrnssionecl a 14-nnnntei c<>l¤r·hhd· and h Similar honor given to the ROTC    
more than 1,600 interviews on tape, in- S°tl“‘l Vl‘l°°taP" about thm ttlmtl mtttcl program at Eastern Kentucky State  
cluding those with two U.S. first la- Wlllcll began lll l908i lll t°““‘l‘“g la` University. Kentucky was the only state 1  
rlies—jaeltie Kennedy Onassis and {lei; was illdgc Wlll;la3l.1Tl;)°l“t9" to receivetwo corhmehdallhhs- l  
Lady Bird johnson. Other interviews in 8 Ertl? W O Commute _ at Y Y lmlll In addition to the commendation, the  
the Collection are with justices Stanley from his home in Cynthtanh te leech UK deraehinent also was honored by ,  
Rccd and Fred Vinson, governors Hap_ classes IH {WO YOOUTS of what ·lS now the Order Of Founders and P&EI‘lO{S of  i  
py Chandler, Earle Clements and Law- llltlzett Hell tm UK S Campus lll Lex- Arneriea as ranking first in their re·   .i,i.
mncc Wmhcrby Wim Robert Perm ington. About 1912, Judge Lnllertv giOn-Region 2, headquartered at Fort I  
VVZIITCTI, senators _]Ol`1l'l Sh€I`IT1E1I`l COO' §tart€$1 the MOOI Court, 3   COurt Knox and €1"l(jOlT1p2,SSiI']g I‘liI'1€ states and il 
pgp and Thrugmn Morton, and many lll Wlllcll Stutlclltstly llyp_0th?tlCtll CtlS€S‘ more than 100 colleges and universities.    
.iiv,   Within the ehiieoieh   such Teller tlllSl¤¤¤hl¤s lS¤¤mm¤h· nre on Array Roto program,  ‘ 
separate projects as the history of the place among U`S' law SCllOOlS' lll lts headed by Col. Edgar D. Maddox, is a    
Univcrsity Oi, Kentucky, Appalachian early y€3I`S, th€   C·Oll€g€   Lew host dgtaghmcnt   three CI`O$S'€U'    
history, black history, history of medi— modeled, much Ol lts lllstluctllm Oll rolled schools—Transylvania, George-    
cine in Fayette County (in cooperation Harvard S m€tllOClS‘ Yet lhc mllCll` town and Centre colleges. More than  °  
with the Fayette County Medical Soci- Younger Ul? College Oli Law was the 1,000 UK students currently are I  
cty) and the history of Kentnekians in tenth A“l‘“’"°“" l?‘Y”_°°ll°g° t° tsttlbllsll enrolled.    
thc Vietnam War. These Vietnam War Ll law ml/l€W‘ Polltlcltllls and Statcsmcm l  
  will be ehihhihea with him pro- iurlse and Other leaders at all levels Ol *  
tluctrtl in Utes ohiee of ihhrniaiohai Servlet are UK law elumhh The V··  
Services to make a onc—hour television tape PmClllFCd hr the UK Chllcse el