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Q walk, framed with lilac bushes forming an archway, leads from the iron
_ gate at the street to the doorway, which is decorated with detailed A
carving of unusual design. On either side of this doorway is a group A
of columns supporting the fan, or window light, above the cornices. .
These columns, together with the broad base—boards, express the ideals y
and magnificence of the old world designing. The entrance hall is ?
_ square, with a living room on the right and a bedroom on the left. Low, `
white doors open into these rooms. Straight down the hall from the F
4 front entrance, wide double doors lead into the dining room, which is :
A made rich by its fine paneling and comfortable by its wide log fire- f
f place. The library is entered from the living room and above the door t
y between these rooms are arched fan—lights with leaded panes, similar in [
; design to the lights of the outer door. The interior partitions of ¥
{ the house are brick and frame, plastered; the floors are wooden, random ~
A width ash; and the roof is of frame construction, covered with wood I
‘ Several additions have been made to the original structure and ‘
§ variations from the first plan of the house have resulted. The original A
§ kitchen was a separate building and was not indicated on the old plan
d of the floor. The slave quarters near the northwest corner of the house, T
§ opposite the old kitchen, were removed to make way for an addition. The
§ old ice house, on the west side of the building, also has been dismantled. { l
T The side lights of the original main entrance evidently were divided `
g by lead muntins, or arches, as markers on the present glass indicate
y the design has been changed. ‘
2 4 ,
i John Brand, the original builder, was a native of Scotland,
§ coming to America about l800. He had been a prosperous manufacturer in K 2
$ Glasgow, Scotland, but became deeply involved financially after suffering | l
§ reverses and came to the new country to recoup his losses. Trading in j
é tobacco, cordage and hemp, he met with such success as to enable him to 1 I
i return to Glasgow, arrange an elaborate dinner and present to each of his
{ guests — who had been his creditors — an envelope containing a check for €
Q the amount of each debt, with interest added. Returning to America, he 3
§ contined his business success and, as a hobby, turned to the beautifying .
_§ of his new home, deriving rare pleasure from the importation and installa- §
é tion of tasteful furnishings. , ‘
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