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§ Castlewood I
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‘j Castlewood, designed by Gideon Shryock and built in l825 by ‘
James Estill, Junior, is located on Big Hill Road, five miles from ‘
_ Richmond, Kentucky. From an architectural standpoint, it is one of
_. the most interesting houses in the state. It is of late Georgian style, 1 i
¥‘ which was very popular at that time. The long central hall flanked by I I
g rooms on either side and the small wings built on both sides of the
’ main structure are features found frequently in this type of building.
é The house was erected on a part of the original tract of fifteen E
Q thousand acres of land surveyed and owned by Captain James Estill, a .
Q Revolutionary soldier who came west from Augusta County, Virginia, and .
j who enacted an important role in the development of Kentucky. He was
$8 killed in an encounter with Wyandotte Indians on March 19, 1782, near ,
Q the present site of Mount Sterling. After his death, extensive litigation
§ over his property was instituted and no definite settlement was agreed
Q upon until forty years later, when eighty—five hundred acres of land were W
Q given to his five children. Castlewood was erected on a share of this _ .
§ inherited land. V
g The structure is a two—story brick, with unfinished attic and a
ga basement, resting upon a native stone foundation. The interior partitions
E are brick and frame, plastered. The roof is of frame construction and ;
£ evidently was covered originally with wooden shingles which have been re-
f placed with tin. Floors throughout the house are random—width, yellow
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