er a fallen angelic spirit, or not. Whatever the Devil
may be, he shall be destroyed. Now listen: ", Forasmuch
then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he
himself [Christ] likewise took part ot the same, that
through death he might DESTROY him that had the power
of death, that is, THE DEVIL; [What else] and DELIVER
[this word is equivalent to "salvation" in our proposi-
tion ;] them, who through fear of death, were all their
lifetime subject to bondage." The Apostle does not say,
deliver those who are subject to bondage a part of their
life, and become believers before they die; but those who
are ALL THEIR LIFETIME subject to bondage. Thus the
Devil is to be destroyed; and all are to be delivered out
of his power, and out of the power of death.
  If we are to believe that "she serpent" that tempted
Eve was the Devil, I will quote another passage, to con-
firm the truth of this doctrine. God said to our first pa-
rents, "1'[he Seed of the woman [Christ] shall bruise
the serpent's head." If that relates to the Devil, whom
the Orthodox bring into the future world, he is to be de-
stroyed-his head bruised. But I suppose "the serpent"
there represents the evil passions of human nature, or the
common tempting influence. Whatever the word may
mean, THE SERPENT shall be dVstroved! But how does
this compare with the doctrine that the Devil is to have a
kingdom, forever, embracing more souls than Heaven it-
self-a kingdom, greater and more mighty thtan that of
God, the Creator of all souls; and that, too, in spite of
all the efforts of God; in spite of the sufferings and death
of Jesus Christ; and in spite of the sanctifying influences
of the Holy Spirit! How does this compare with those
declarations in reference to the DESTRUCTION of the Devil,
and all evil influences
  Hence, we see that the 25th of Matt., with its Devil
and its angels, and its everlasting fire, does not and cannot
relate to the future state of being-an almost almighty
Devil, and endless woe.
  Again: we have the destruction of HELL, or the grave,
-Ilades. The Prophet Hosea, (chap. xiii. ver. 14,) or