
         It was explained by President Barker to the

Committee that Dr. Tigert would during the next year,

temporarily hold the Position of Director of Physical
Education and that his salary in that connection would
be paid by the Athletic Association. Following this
statement, upon motion made, seconded and unanimously

carried his salary as set out in the University Budget

will pass to the general fund and that Dr. Tigert as

Professor of Philosophy is granted leave of absence for

and during that year.
          It appearing from the statement of Prof. Nor-

wood that his budget for the Department of Mining Engin-

eering for the present year was not entered as recom-

mended, upon motiofi made, seconded and unanimously car-

ried, the salary of Prof. Bar~r'for the.ttesent-year should

appear $1900.00 and that of Prof. Tashof $1100.00 for the

present year. Prof. Barr's salary shall remain the same

next year and Prof. Tashof's shall be $1200.00.

          Upon iotion made and eceond-ed and unanimously car-

ried, Mr. C. B. Nichols, as chairman of the Executive.Com-
mittee and W. T. Lafferty as Secretary are empowered to
sign the necessary note at the Phoenix Third National Bank

of Lexington to cover any overdraft that may be made by

the University in closing up the business for the present

fiscal year, the sum, however, for which the note may be

made shall not exceed $4L2850,00.

           The Committee appointed to consider the question
of securing a Business Agent was given further time to make
a report.