University of Kentucky









No. 27

The Girls' Issue of the Kernel will
appear next week with Ellaa Plggott
and Mildred Graham
as managing editor, assisted by a staff
composed entirely of girls.
Those who want the news will not
be disappointed in this number, but
as this is tho one time in the year
when the feminine portion of the University really has the opportunity of
getting in the last word, part of this
issue will be devoted to any complaints which may be forthcoming
of tho
from representatives
Squirrel Food next week will be edited iby Eliza Spurrier, who promises
several rare bits. The olher members of the staff already selected are
Martha Buckman, Margaret Wilkinson, Edna Smith, Mary Ricketts and
Miriam Horine.







Will Be A. E. Winship Talks on "The
Aim of University
Given Credit For Year's


Seniors leaving the University now
to enlist In the army will be given
credit for the rest of the year's work
and will bo given diplomas In June,
who enter the
and underclassmen
military service now will be given full
credit for the year's work, by order
of the Executive Committee In special
session Monday.
Members of the faculty and other
University officials, who desire to enter the service of the country for defense, will be granted leave of
to resolutions passed
The resolutions
by thecommittee.
follow: '
"Whereas, a state of war exists between the United States of America
and the Imperial German Government; and
"Whereas, it Is the duty of this University to aid the United States In any
way It can; and
"Whereas, there may be students in
this University who may desire to
volunteer for service In the army or
navy of the United States; and
"Therefore, be it resolved by the
Executive Committee of tlhe Univer--.
sity of Kentucky as follows:
"1. If any student be a member of
the Senior class of the University and
he enlists for service in the army or
navy of the United States, he shall be
graduated at the regular commencement in June and receive his diploma
without any ' further examinations.
"2. If any student be a member of
the Junior, Sophomore or Freshman
class and he enlists for service in the
army or navy of the United States,
he shall be entitled upon his return
to enter the next advanced class in
all respects as if his examinations had
been successfully taken at the end of
the collegiate year.
"3. Any student so enlisting shall
(Continued on Pag I.)

The Probe Committee of the Board
of Trustees reopened Its session Monday after a short recess, with the taking of testimony from several officials
of the University and from experts
who have been investigating the scholastic work here.
Dr. Thomas P. Cain, president of
OHvet College, 'Michigan, and Professor C. M. MoClun, of the University of Illinois, made a report on the
work they have conducted at the Unithe scholastic
versity, investigating
standards and methods of teaching.
The committee is composed of R.
O. Gordon, chairman; J. I. Lyle, Senator Froman, Dr. J. A. Ammo us and
J. W. Turner. The hearing will
MfttfiM tkruovt'the week.




"Education depends on the intelligence one has in using what he
knows and what he doesn't know
when coming into an emergency, and
the aim of the University Is to develop intelligence In students," said A.
E. Winship, of Boston, editor of the
Journal of Education, speaking to tTie
student body in chapel last Thursday
morning on the subject, "The Aim of
University Education."
"Intelligence is the horse power of
your machine. It is the thing which
you have at your command when you
need it." The function of the University is to tell people where to go to
get information that is reliable. No
one who doesn't get the latest and
can be
most authentic information
a success in life.
The secret of success consists In
doing the right thing at the right time,
the speaker said. To know how to do
this one must have Intelligence. One
of the principal things that a college
teaches Is to know what to do at the
right time. One comes against
every day which he never en
countered before. The persons who
overcome them are the ones who have
Progress spells success.
have just come to realize that what
one does yesterday is of no vahle; It
is what one expects to do tomorrow
that is important. The only reason
that people did not have the same
Inventions and comforts in 1817 that
we now have In 1917 Is that the learn-omen of that time spent their time
on their grandfathers instead of think
ing of some way to benefit their
Chaldea, Egypt, and the rest of the
Ancient World occupied their time instead of studying some method to
combat disease. No one could qual
ify as a man of brains If he did anything for humanity; it was beneath
the dignity of a scholar. They were
looking (backward, not forward.
The speaker said that he was impressed with the fact that the men
who fire the cannon on battleships
are twenty feet oolow tho deck and
never see the target at which they
are aiming. They are directed in their
firing hy two men who are In the rigging and who, hy means of electrical
appliances, tell them where to put
tho cannon In vertical and in horizontal. Their work consists in getting the swell of the sea and directing
the firing of the cannon when the ship
gets on tho level.
The function of the faculty Is analogous to the duty of the men in the
rigging. They tell how to get the
swell of time. Every one must aim,


(Continued oa





Adjutant - General Wires
That Corps Is


The War Department's acceptance
of the University's offer to establish
a reserve officers' training corps at
the University of Kentucky was received last week by President Henry
S. Barker from Adjutant-GenerThe following telegram was
received from the War Department:
"Bulletin issued establishes infantry
unit senior division officers' training
corps at your institution."
At present it is uncertain when the
military course will be instituted at
the University. When it was decided
by the authorities to establish the
course, it was thot it would go Into
effect In September, at the beginning
of the next school year, but Captain
John C. Fairfax, commandant at the
University, in an Interview said that
receipt of further Instructions from
Washington may result in its establishment sooner.


Seventy-fiv- e

First Drill Monday

For Score 2 to 0 Grubbs Is




''Company, Attention!"
Tho command rang out as clearly as it ever
sounded to seasoned veterans on the
of the
battlefield, and seventy-fiv- e
came to attenUniversity's fair
tion before the commandant. The time
was Monday night, the place, Buell
Armory, and the girls, as said before,
seventy-fivof the University's most
patriotic daughters, assembled for instruction in signalling and first-aiwork.
For discipline the commandant decided to devote the first lessons to
drilling, "just like the boys do." Those
who camo for a lark soon settled down
to real work as the commandant and
hls cadet officers nut them thru the
simple movements of "About face!
and "Halt, one, two!" Visions of
squad drill inflicted by the Dean on
Saturday afternoons flitted thru the
brains of the frivolous ones, but their
giggles changed to anxious looks at
the commandant, who refused to crack
a smile. For an hour and a half they
worked, and just as they were beginning to feel like real soldiers they
heard the magic sound, 'Fall out."


The company of girls will learn drill
movements, Red Cross, signal corps
work, and will participate
and first-aiin other training that will make them
prepared to take up actual servico
whenever needed.
Regular drill will bo held in Buell
Armory and practice in telegraphic
signalling and other branches of Signal corps work will be given. First-aiwork will be taught both by Captain Fairfax and Dr. J. W. Proyer. The
young women will be trained In the
primary course in Red Cross nursing
In connection with the training.


The girls' company was formed by
Dean Hamilton, who Is of the opinion
that women as well as men should
bear the burden of the great world
war, and that they owe it to their
country to bo trained and ready when
Captain Fairfax, who will be in tho call comes.
Officers of the oattallon Witt be ascharge of tho reserve officers' training corps, will be assisted in the in- signed to assist in teaching the girls
struction by members of the cadet to drill. The Homo Economics Dewith tho milbattalion. The corps was authorized partment is
at a meeting of the executive com- itary science officers in training the
activities that will
mittee of tho Board of Trustees a girls for
ago, and the acceptance by bo useful to the country.
few weeks
the War Department places the University in line with the other large TAX EXPERT ADDRESSES
universities of the country.
A complete course in military sci
Alfred N. Chandler, representing
ence, both theoretical and practical,
will be given, and graduates will be tho Single Tax Service League of New
assigned to temporary duty as second York, addressed the student body in
pending permanent do chapel Tuesday evening on tho sublieutenants,
tails. Military training will be sec ject, "Single Tax and Economic PreMr. Chandler is making
ondary during the first and second paredness."
years, but in the last two years it a tour of the universities and colleges
of the South and West.
will be a major subject.





After the stellar Wildcat stickers
had trimmed Tennessee by the shutout route and minced Miami five to a
bedraggled one, Illinois came along
Monday afternoon and tendered the
wearers of the Blue and White their
first setback of the 1917 season by
winning from them by the score of
2 to 0.
The brace of tallies came in the InRemembering that caitial stanza.
tastrophic inning McClellan probably
went to his room and dreamed that he
was an interned German liner being
hacked to pieces by members of the
crew. The game started off propitiously when the lead-of- f
man succumbed to Mac's twisters, but Wild- cat stock took a downward swoop
with safeties by the next two on the
list, supplemented by a sacrifice fly to
center and a poor throw to the plato
by Waters.
It wasn't so much the hits made off
McClellan, who had been a regular
Verdun up to Monday's contest, that
counted, as the bases on balls given
and the poor support, at times, of the
Klein, the stocky Illinois
hurler, also had a little something to
do with the defeat of the Kentuckians.
Nemo, as he was called in entreaty
by his brethren, pitched ruthless ball.
He permitted three hits, struck out
eight men and gave but one free
The home team had its one chance
in tho second inning when both Parks
poled safeties
and "Rob Willie"
Rodes walked. With one man retired,
Propps, under conditions similar to
those of the fabled Casey, advanced
to the rubber. Like Casey, ho returned to the bench. Mac ended the spurt
by rolling an easy one to tho boxman.
Taking sure fielding ability and
classy stops in every game to date inCambron, second
to consideration,
(Continued on Page 2)

The Cadet band of the University,
under the leadership of Profesor Lawrence A. Cover, journeyed to Prank-for- t
last night and took part in a
patriotic demonstration, at which Governor Stanley delivered tho principal
Tho band headed a great
parado from tho business section to
tho State Capitol, where tho speaking
was held in the Chamber of the Houso
Tho Kentucky
of Representatives.
lads left Lexington at 5:30 o'clock on
a special interurban car and returned
the samo evening.
Saturday night the band and members of the battalion will act as escorts for the Governor in the parado
and demonstration to be held 'on
Cheapside in Lexington.
