the Cadet Band has been markedin fact, this year's TENNIS PLAYERS

fact 4

The Kentucky Kernel

Published every Thursday throughout tho Collcgo year by tho Btudcnt body of
the University of Kentucky, for tho benefit of tho students,
alumni and faculty of tho institution.
THE KENTUCKY KERNEL is tho official nowspapcr of tho University.

It it lHued with the view of furnishing to its subscribers all tho collcgo nows
tho univerC Kentucky, together with a digest of items of interest concerning
sities of other States and Canada.
mail matter.
Entered at Lexington Postotfico as second-clas-

band has been said to be the best in recent years. It is
the opinion of one who has been fortunate enough to
hear several Glee Club rehearsals that his success with
the club will be even greater.
Music at the University has had a hard time in the
past two or three years, and now that competent leaders are directing the warblers of the campus the remainder of the students owe it to them and to the good
name of the University to attend and hear the really excellent program that has been prepared.



Wllllan Shlnnick
Dlllard Turner
Wayne Cottlngham
J, Franklin Corn
Miss Elira Piggott
Thomas Underwood
J. R. Marsh
Miss Mildred Graham
ugene Elder
Herbert Schaber
Harry Cottrell
John S. Sherwood.





Assistant Editor
Managing Editor
"Squirrel Food"
Sporting Editor
Exchango Editor


Y. W. C. A.

.. Mining
Thornton Council.
W. C. Draddy.

Eugene Wilson

Full Credit to Volunteers.

The Kentucky Colonel Says:
One great advantago in drilling tho
Tho more a gentleman contracts
lies in tho fact that they will
debts the more they seem to expand,
at last be taught to "dress" quickly.

Frederick M. Jackson
Lykelle Pomes No. 27.
The brave youth hied him forth to
Business Manager
To marry ho made haste
In order that ho might escape
A grim war's wreck and waste.
And, blessed with sweet surcease,
He lived in quiet and peace.

The Board of Trustees of the University this week
offered to all students who desire to enlist at this time,
in the armies of the United States full credit for the
semester's work, the same as if they had completed the
Any man who
course and taken final examinations.
wishes to leave may, if he returns, take up his work
without loss of credits for the latter half of the school



1916-191- 7.

From a pedagogical standpoint the action of the
board is questionable, but from a standpoint of patriotism it is what we would expect from Kentucky men.
At a time like this, when men's souls are being tried and
the united action of a great people is needed, no body
should lift a finger to restrain men from preparing to
defend their native land. The board offers to every
man a chance to go without personal loss to himself, at
least in his relations with the University. The board
is to be commended.
But the Kernel, frankly, does not believe that it is
wise for any student to desert his classes at this moment
to enter the army. A month or two later will do just as
well, and the added weeks of study will not injure him
as a soldier. The War Department has not announced
its full plans as yet. The President has not called a
volunteer army to the colors, and it is more than doubtful that such an army will ever be called for. The indications are that the government will take those men
whom it wants and not those whom it can get by calling
for them. Universal service is the cry today, and no
man need fear that he will not get his opportunity to

In the meantime, training is the thing we need
most. The University of Kentucky was recently designated as the location for a reserve army training corps,
a place where officers may get preliminary training.
The daily drill of the battalion and the volunteer companies on the campus gives every man a chance to make
himself more fit. Let those who expect to take up arms
against the enemies of freedom prepare themselves here
for a month or two more.
If press reports are trustworthy, the plans of the
War Department do not call for active service of the
American army for a year, or six months at least.
Would it not be wiser for University students to remain
here seven or eight weeks longer, making themselves
ready? Their services will not be less appreciated or
less needed in June than they are in April.
The Glee Club.
The University Glee Club will give its first concert
of the year in the chapel next Tuesday night, and the
Kernel wishes to impress on the students of the institution that the Glee Club deserves patronage both because
it is a- real University activity and because it has true
artistry to present. The club has worked faithfully all
year) and the best vocalists of the campus have been enrolled. The director, Professor Lawrence Cover, is a
musician of ability and personality and under his leadership the false note has been chased to his lair far from
the haunts of University of Kentucky students and harmony rules the roost. Professor Cover's success with

is tho latest
scene of battle on tho Western front.
From last reports Kaiser Bill is headed for tho last syllable.

We hate to butt In, but it seems to
us that it would be a fine plan to
military company with
equip the
brooms and feather dusters until the
One of the Jilted Brethren has sug' War Department finds out that they
gested that the War Department are drilling and rushes them some
should require two Red Cross corps of real equipment.
women to accompany each body of
troops; one corps to minister to the
According to the latest reports the
wounded soldiers and one to minister Investigating committee has investito those of the first corps who faint gated thoroly the various brands of
while ministering to the soldiers.
Kentucky corn whiskey ana pro
co-e- d

nounces thom excellent.

The results

Ag Geography.
will not come out In printed form as
First Ag: I hear that they hung the mass of information obtained is
La Follette in effigy.
too great to bo handled conveniently.

Second Ag:

First Ag:

In Boston,



No, in effigy.



Second Ag: Well, that's a suburb
of Boston, ain't It?

Tilford Wilson, captain of Company
the voluntary military
The writer of this colyum takes the company recently formed at the Lexopportunity
to disclaim credit for ington Y. M. C. A. About thirty are
writing the spring editorial which re- members of the company and drill is
cently appeared in the Kernel. The held once a week.
editorial in question was so good that
a great many persons havo compli
mented us very highly on it.
A, is drilling


Two of tho tennis courts in front
of tho Civil Building havo been put in
shnpo and all men who would llko to
try out later in tho spring for the
Varsity team aro urged to go out now
and got in shape. Dr. Tigcrt announces
that he will not bo able to give any
instruction himself until May 1, but
that a great deal of good practlco can
ho secured by men who go out of their
own initiative.
It is probablo that
Professor Fred Loomis, who is a tennis shark, will assist with tho coaching.
Captnin Howard Kinno and Paul Anderson, of last year's Varsity, will bo
on hand again, and with n largo number of now men out tho prospects for
success in tho moots this year will bo
bright. A tournament will bo held in
tho next fow weeks to decide tho University championship. All those who
dosiro to go out, or to uso tho courts
at all, must join tho Tennis Club.
Dues of $1.00 may bo paid to Homer
Uoid, Howard Kinno or Miss Doris

The Boys Glee Club of the University will give a concert in chapel next
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The
program will consist of twelve regular
numbers and four special numlbers,
consisting of quartets, readings and
iplano selections.
An admission of
twenty-fiv- e
cents will be charged.
Under the direction of Professor
Lawrence A. Cover, the Glee Club has
made remarkable strides this year.
Regular rehearsals have been hold all
during the year and for the last several weeks the club has rehearsed five
times weekly. The Glee Club has been
pronounced by competent judges to be
the best ever turned out by the University.
Arrangements have been made to
give a concert in Cynthlana on the
evening of .May 18 and the club has
a tentative date in Frankfort. Officers of the organization are Clarence
Harney, president,
and David
Gllclcman, secretary-treasurer.

Tho Mountain Club will hold a soM. ROSS ADDRESSES
Brazil is about to declare war on
cial and literary meeting at 8 o'clock
Gormany over the sinking of her
tonight in tho Y. M. C. A. rooms. All
steamer, the Parana. It is a pretty
mountain students are invited to
James M. Ross, managing editor of
serious matter when a country loses
The Lexington Leader, addressed tho
navy at one blow.
her whole
members of Alpha Delta Sigma, the
honorary journalistic fraternity, at
'Nother Deep One.
luncheon at
its regular
I saw
some sight
First Cadet:
Another wonderful Keith bill, start- the Leonard Hotel last Thursday. Tho
while drilling this afternoon.
ing Thursday, with girls, comedy, sing- subject of Mr. Ross's talk ,was, "GathOn tho campus, I
Second Cadet:
ing and dancing seldom seen on any ering the News," and at its conclusion
stage. Monday, besides four big fea- questions pertaining to the collecting
First Cadet': Nope. On my musket.
ture acts, ono of Menlo Moore's great and preparing of news wero asked.
The Dom. Scl. Fresh Says:
girl acts will also bo here. These McClarty Harbison, president of the
I sco in tho papers that thoy are
two shows will be worth going far local chapter, presided, introducing
going to start conscripting soldiers
by tho speaker.
right away. They're always doing to see, so order your seats now
During the lunoheon a telegram was
something to keep thorn from catch- calling
reCelved from Herbert Graham, who
ing some disease.
was attending a teachers of journal-IsAin't It the Truth.
meeting dn Chicago, expressing
In Western Georgia a jury recently
Spring Changes.
met to Inquire into a case of Buicide. best wishes for the luncheon.
(By Lew K.)
Thoso present besides the president
Acanthla lcctularia for mosquitoes. Aftor sitting thru the evidence, the
twelve men retired, and, after delib- and speaker wero Enoch Grehan, J.
Parlor sofa for porch swing.
erating, returned with tho following O. Reynolds, Thornton Connell, WillRed ilannels for B. V. D.
iam Shlnnick, John Marsh, Herndon
"Highs" for "lows."
"Tho Jury is all of ono mind tem- Evans, Wayne Cottlngham and FredBoarding house beans for cabbage.
erick Jackson.
porarily ilnsano."


Tit-Bit- s.

Get This Deep One.
Tho penalty is either a
The Modest Maid.
lifo sentence or tho electric chair.
Tho Suitor (in a rhapsody) "I
Hard Guy: Ah, a matter of lifo or adoro ovprything that is beautiful, exJ. A. Noblitt, a Sophomoro in tho
quisite I lovo tho serene, tho per- Collcgo of Arts and Bolonco, loft
Monday to join tho Signal Corps, of
Tho mechanical engineers who enTho Maid (coyly) "Oh, Harry, how which he has been a member for tho
list as blacksmiths and mechanics aro can I refuso you when you put it so past year. Ho is now doing guard
expected to forgo to tho front rapidly. beautifully?" Puck.
