xt7ghx15n565_21 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. Faculty Applications text Faculty Applications 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_4/Folder_2/108275.pdf 1900-1909 1909 1900-1909 section false xt7ghx15n565_21 xt7ghx15n565 fiMcaafi T
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7h“ , U1. ( C/ty/ , 7) 0k) fit/0 /{ .1 :.‘fbfyA {Z I: t 4 ,_ /t .OWA CITY, May 39,1900.-
President Patterson“
State College of‘ Kentucky.~
Dear' Sir: -
I have been asked by persons mutually interested in Dr".~ Charles R.‘
Keyes and the State College of' Kentucky to express my opinions relative to the
standing of' Dr: Keyes as a practical and scientific geologists It givesme
pleasure to say that- I have known Dr's Keyes since he was an undergraduate stu-
dent. in the University of‘Iowag and I have followed his very successful career
with great; interest ever since.'_ But- it' seems scarcely necessary to say anything
about his scientific attainments or' his standing among geologists.‘ The pub—
lished results of' his work,« both as an' enthusiastic‘privats investigator and
as a man holding responsible official ‘positions, show his attainments and the
quality of‘ his’genius much better than anything that. any one can say; and the
cordial reception which this work has received at the hands of‘ geologists, is a
measure of' his standing as a man of‘ science.‘

, It' may be left,r however,v for' one who knows him intimately to say that
Dr;' Keyes is tirelessy industriousg and capable of‘ turning out a large amount
of' work in a short; t_ime;- that. he. is a keeng close and accurate observer;— and

‘- thatt,’ in an unusual degree“ he is capable of' taking up new lines-of~ work,

‘. mastering new problems, and quickly adapting himself to new situations and

4 conditions: Furthermore he isa good organizer: He will fill any position

. requiring broad and thorough geological trainingu With marked strength and


Yours very sincerely,r / t

E /'Kjfl ””‘/dig (\W C

 .‘.? i. .
‘; f ‘
5 . Z ‘
9" Experiment uffigrimlturr, , ’
0)ffirmf thy $3rrrrturg. ;
Illashiughmfifl. ‘ i
ierson 1. Tune 6, 19nd. _
"7r dour Doctor: ,
Kr.flharles ’.Xeves, of Des Foines, lowu, recently wrote to f
rm, no”inn no to rmrmnwum_hiu to rou for tho chair of mining 7 g
an” r how” at your institution. K said to him that I Would write
' ’ l “ ‘«=. V"" "l d " lr’ ~u+ we let‘s“; ”17m ,
7'00. :.'. 2 : r". ”O . , 'ii .11, 3:1; 'J‘fl‘..e .7.“; ‘.vUH_..L 37‘” u . ‘ .. . b u v 41 x _L J. ,
. 3 .. .o :.' - "‘A .'. ..4 ..‘ .. T < ‘1
irofes yrs Nulv1u and fltors, the f rmur Oi one Univ-Ifilt‘ of love H
q‘u the latter of t“w thta College of lows. These gentle an are ;
' - i
not!” fiwolo"iets. He sends these lett rs, addresred not to me but ;
to Von. l toln Kin Thwt I recon enfiefl scientists only after very “
full tquledwe. T Have net wr.Keyes, hut cann’t spear intelli- ,
~wi*lv ? narfiinr the man. I jnige that his qualifications are Very
wool, hoo rue - have eVor” Confiience in Vessrs.Cnlvin and hYHrs. :
I Cw a f‘yi" lu”i TS to row Vfirevith. L have no personal iosires i
i : t’tie ;i*’vzr iflinI-ev«er. I ‘301116. lilie, of‘ COIU‘ B, to ooxflsrilnite 5
t WWVQG “own information alone the line of nettinv a trope? nan :
rnfi Fu”e 30 fl whi, ”rim what ”essrs.011vin and ?”ors say that
3.Ie”»: is “u; “:91? qualified glen fieOlOfllCfil lines. '
Vr.To*qf, *" ”"9 *w’, Cosi“;c the lettnrs from Calvin and :
"5 Lo ”1131. I ‘ (:.‘-m "told 711111 I arc-1.11:7 88.161. than 120 you
11.”;le .'1 jun“. "‘ ".. "vT‘E'L‘l “'“-"it if”) ."li. .
"0151 "m‘ ~ well “#7 o1jo*iig life, at” “ith re ares to '

your good wife and your brother, I remain,
Very Cordially yours,
91/, our» // :2 : yrzc Lr/
_,’ Secretary.
President J.K.Patterson,
Agricultural College,
Lexington, Ky.
Inclosures from Calvin and Byers.

 xv" “f ~. -,_, CHAS. E. WAIT. PH. o; Inc‘s. (Quiversifg of temxessec,
d ‘7 WM/ M a; 5M pnorssson OF CHEMISTRYA KNOXVILLE.
z, W “I A/ag cum, am. ,
%._ %o{ , (I J (sjm 25". If” _
m :3“ ‘ “‘7' ., Wat iméw‘x, 14 1171/4 . ,
Am, a 7““? W, “04, 4,; ,
’.‘“ _~_ éflm /L‘i/;/ '
”4‘46 Lara-4‘ M M 4" MM” 7 ' r»~» a—l‘
% fwzgfij' A. yww’fi f; 47 5 M m é/é‘ 2/ ..
M Aug/Z... w. , and JM;17 MI ' Wvgd-«y 2’“ A“ 1..“
7L. 7: MW flrj'o,aa/3ay4 r/ ’1, ”M f 70” 7W7 «Q
._.-— ..‘_ ; 7 -—\ __\
~44 32:24? N) 54 ...V 4114, W" ”‘7 m M L’w A“ W
1745-7 40.4; ffméa 40% of ‘5th M, 94/25. 0M ‘gwlow
Q)( JM,M¢~‘9M 97% if 6‘.- Z’AMA.’
, , a W W/rfl -\
__ ‘ T V0 ' w/M, %M4%Wm.$u€- v
rice,” M m A; 4% %‘£ .___ ,_ \k
. , ___‘ M75. ”W. ”a _ V} a imam 9x
(4 J “IO” M“ Kim—r 6‘ “00", ._.. x _——\
,,I‘ q [la/444““, a/‘vzadcvm_ an Wfioémxrwpkadwfi
7m M ijc‘, ”.‘./«M ___» ...-L “(Z-r21; étéftZ/W\ML~E) 7W04v~
244:}, W m. 9% “.2- jg,” L&- [M IQJ' ‘Z ,, (a _‘51 g: \,_¢]<
“ 144/ A W 091 M ,. ‘
fvawfg $73-79 9"- 1231M, it'll/£45}:— Jim, “$14.; A $47 A0" @004.

 . w
4. - I
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xiv/.- .1 12,/3A»: ._«1: W 7' m “a. ”2* S’K‘W
‘. -' 7/ “’1 i H villi A I' ’ n v ~ 1' P
I" ~ 47.,” . iwyic/cA-«W JJ’W 2’ Q2: 1 "Egg-wad ‘ 4:?” 42:“
'V V .; ’ ‘xfi ‘—
- 1. 1 ,v‘ , — ——~ ,. x ,, 1.1 .. ..
/ EQ;;1.;";»‘-y/ m u "4' “I”’- UCV’Zé/A-IIC ‘3 " ' g "*4/41 :31, : ~ . ’1 i
J J74 . ,1 . Jaw); ..__,
N» ,, _, u, ~<__ 1 ‘ . ., .,
.,»_ ' .1 “““’ .-- ~:: .~ ’. ' , ' "““W
,9 . » .,z ,, 1,444.? 1.. k, - /, __ ~'~‘~~ #7 »' L ' 1 » . _
1’ r A i l _,
_ />-'

 fi465 Willson Avenve,
Address. ,«/’// Cleveland, Ohio.
July Slst 1900.
(SQr President
Agricultural & Mechanical College of Kentucky.
Lexington, Kentucky.

. I nave the honor to tender my services as in~
structor of militayy Science and tactics at your institvtion; cor-
respondence respectfully requested,—address as above.

Very respectfully.
Your obt., servt.,
' I ‘ I . I
Captain U.S.Ar:y, 362.
t . I ,
—’ '»7 I l_ ../
I % Mt " ‘
5 “~ ,
E I ’ r—w , "
E M ' j
‘ / .’ M7 M 7 /é
'. . é—q' MJ%//W /¢W/'A‘V WWW
E -5‘41 6 .

19 September, lQfln. I
President J.K.Patterson,
State College, ‘ .
Lexington, Ky. I
Dear Sir: i
This is the first opportunity I have had to write you in :
behalf of my friend, Mr J.O.LaBaoh. Prof.Wait has written you about
his suecial qualifications, and I can endorse most heartily all that ;
he has said, and add that you will be very fortunateiindeedIto secure ,
‘ Mr LaBach. He was a very successful student here and served us as ;
assistant chemist for several years. He has had broad experience in i
this particular line of work, and is thoroughly qualified in every é
way to fill the pronosed place. :
Mr LaRach is a christian gentleman of high character, and he
will make a congenial and pleasant member of your corps. If we needed
this work done, we would certainly get him to do it, as I know of no I
better man any where. ;
Very truly yours, i
( President.

IAOCHS‘UIJJE,]{\Iwmmgygwm2ewmigggommm. V
To whom it may concern:-
Trie 19 To certifflv that M1" Olive. HG“‘"€'1“"N‘I,
who has teen 9 most cepnble mmil of' mine “or several Forge-ms- a~~-‘ 1”:
manifested nmtsnel nkilitv 99 a (219?? lee-“er, 19, 1“ m: o‘v‘r’mr, ':'wlljy'
competent to instruct 019999? of' stir-1? m“ Infiee 'Tm mm‘finrl -/‘- "(C1,—
cal culture.
M185. Henieremw evenntee ‘r~er movement? Wit? ::.-Moe V‘V" HT?“ "“~’ " ‘57.
a mini well oriented Tn j,"¢‘tl"fl:'"tih-’T.
Very trulv,
- ‘ / ”fl
/ 3% M
g/ . . 44 ,
i: '

 _ 7/ “55% W?

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ii; ‘ . . 35» .' 9. ..:; IS EHICPOPE: AT SINCE, W’E‘lDGHTS, azongzgfiGSAZA::::o 10 HELD our
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Professor of Electrical Engineering,
University of Wisconsin.‘
Consulting Engineer and Expert,
Madison, Wisconsin.

February 4, 1901.

Dear Sir:—

Nr.A.R.Sawyer informs me that he is an applicant for
your vacant position in the chair of mechanical engineering and
I take pleasure in writing to you about him and his work. Mr.
Sawyer originally graduated from the Stanford University. In 1896
he took our degree of Electrical Engineer after spending a year
in graduate study with us in electrical engineering.

' Before coming to this University and also since that time
Hr.Sawyer has had considerable experience in manufacturing busi—
ness and also in teaching. He was a faithful student and a very
hard worker and I think he would prove himself to be admirably
adapted for your position. I therefore take pleasure in most
warmly recommending him. You are not likely to find another who
has had the same experience in commercial business and in teach-
ing, as well as the same excellent academic training.

I should be very glad to see Mr.Sawyer in your place as I
, feel sure that he would do both you and himself credit.
; Respectfully yours,
'5 D . c . JACKSOIT.
i; ,

 max-mm. TRAINING sermon, (“I”) 4 4

St.Leuie, Mb., Feb.5, 1901. ' ;
Dear Sirih ;
I an informed that Mr.A.R.Sawyer, new a resident of i
Wankesha, Wiseensin, in a candidate for the eheir of mechanical '
engineering in your Institution. I desire to speak very highly fi

and strongly or MT.Sawyer, an a student, as a man, and as a me-

chanical engineer. ~ '

After a course in the Manual Training Scheel of this Un1~ ;
versity ( which has already aehieved seme reputation as a school g
for practical men) Hr.Sawyer spent three years in the engineering {
department of the Wedhington University, and later an he teak his g
degree in Stanrerd University, Califernia. Since that time he W
has been at werk as drenghteman and as teacher, and new he is f
looking to a prefeaserehip 1n mechanieal engineering. , H

Mr.gawyer is a man at sterling integrity, 6! great pluck and ‘;
perseverance, of wide eXperience, and er decided ability as an i
engineer. A8 a teacher and leader of yeuth I think he weuld be 4
eminently successful. He is a great believer in labaratery meth- :

- ode, and weuld be altegether at heme both in the theery and in. g
the practice of his proreeeien, Having had all the-ahep-werk g
and training of the manual Training Seheel, he is fihereughly fa- '
miliar with the best methede ef equipping and of cendueting such
' departments, and although such departments weula not, I euppeee, E
be in his charge in your Institution, his advice and sympathy 5
would certainly be of value. _ i

Wishing yeur Institution (ef which I have heard much) un-

bounded euccess in its speeial field, I remain, . ;
Very truly years, :

Directer. '

 - L BAT/7.17 77 :7 7..f
Milwaukee, Wise ‘4
Dear Sir:-
Mra A737 Sawyer wiShes me to state what I know of him an&
his work“ He taught Mammal Training and mathemaiics fur three
years in our High Schoola and was very faithful and was successful .
. in his work. He has had excellent preraration and 1 think him
thoroughly competent t0 carry on the work in yam? engineering
departmcufa He is a man 0f excellent character, and in every way
deserving of your consideration, for the yoaiiion yam have to fills
Yours truly,
‘ (Signefi) flva '7’—loggersa Principalo
East Division High Schoolo

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