xt7ghx15n565_213 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. A&M College Admission Endorsements text A&M College Admission Endorsements 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_23/Folder_2/0686.pdf 1871-1872 1872 1871-1872 section false xt7ghx15n565_213 xt7ghx15n565 imminent ‘UNIvusn‘rrb
No. 3.4/7; nnxnmenom. “l
,_ ~jm
Leungz‘onM/M/Zl‘7187/ _
The bearer has satisfied the requirements for admission to tlieM{,- ,
COLLEGE, and to the several Schools thereof, as far as the following indorsemcnt extends:
Credentials, . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. , MWWQMMRegent
Consultation, . .- . - - ~ ,- - - - ~ - ~ - - - . : f?“/L~(7/&7¢w\~131e81dnlg Oilicer.
Ewié‘ll .LlifiQZ,’(l/twf§ A(. .J. .- .. .~’: . Q J .11--.-..:;‘..,..'_:;....’.;:7.Professor./> a, TL
/ ..flchcmatics, ".1...;.'.»<..-.- ._ ...:Professor. M ,, R
Hisloi'y, . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . , . . . . . . . . Pioiessm
Civil and Political Economy, - - » , . - - ,. 7 ,, 7 Professor.
(zheynistrzt . . ././.c/.'2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ޤ@(%f [3:4 ................Professor.
JVCLZLll/ra/l Philosophy, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plofessm
W'atzu'al History, .. . . . . ,. , .-...._____.___.Prol’essor.
JIem‘col (lTLCl Jlforal Philosophy, . . . . . Professor.
Latin, Lang‘wagg, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. W. ........Prol'cssor.
Greek Language.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. ,. . ..Proi'essor.
Hebrew Language, . . , .. ., . . ...-..Prol'essor.
..ll'oclol'n, Languages, . - . . . . . . . . . . . fid-.-fl_..,,.-.-h._”Micah," .....Professor.
(.1'ivilE1ig'inecring (lml Drawing, . .. ., . .. , ., ., . ....,,..,.,...-..-..”Professor.
..'lIllllCll'y Science, . ,. .. , . . .. .. .. ,. , ‘ . .. . . ., .. Professor.
Sacred Illsfory, . . - - ~ - . - . . . . . . 4 . . . . . - ,. W....,Professor.
H onu'leti (:3 and Il'ol'mcnowfics, - . . . . . , , _Prol‘essor.
Sacral Literature and, ('hrisiimz I_ Professor
Common and, Sflllll'lo Law, . . . . . . . . ,. . ., . . ......l’rofessor.
("o/wilfuliomol 5'Illfo/72cctlonal Law, . . ,. , ,, ......l’rofessor.
Evidence, Pleading, Practice, , . , ,.,......,,....Professor.
Filly/L22l/(Llll’llfillllfll—l‘flcllllllsl?’ til-07.71,} ,. .. .. , .. .....Prol'essor.
[’/:((.(e[ic(¢l .filg'l'lolllllll'o, . - ~ - . - . - . » . . ”influperintendent.
Practical Horticulture, . . . , . . . . . . . . . Superintendent.
.lIochmziic fll'ls, . 4 . - . - - - - . . . - . . . . . . . .. . . ,. ...........,..Superintendent.
u4(;cb(l07ny’, . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . ,. ,. ,, /. , ........,.......,...Principal.
Payment of Fees, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . flWWm/%Treasuiel
.N'amc of Befl/Cl,%2M//Q¢é/L?flé/W
Post 017306, ,. Wa/aw/«f/d/é/mzé’a <51. .5"
Parent or Guardian,........%i/._z/}--4?de
This paper, when duly endorsed, must be presented, without delay, to the Secretary of
the proper Faculty, who is required to lnatriculate the candidate.
in...” and mom. ...“... M .
L/ii" a" /’,,_/f ..J .-

 * ~ z—fi "r- —. Wm 7 - ~ —. Av, , '
» No. Jeff ,, LEXINGTQN
.- ‘ w— o u _ _
. WM ZSA' ;{ ,/Z"/ V, # /(ZCJ/Z%Qfessor
alfalfa/l and, Moral Philosophy, . . . . . m, WProfessor.
Lcelln Language, . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . i . . . . ,,.,,,___,Protessor.
Greek Language, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Professor.
Hebrew Language, . . , i . . . . , i , . A . V . i , , , ,. ,, .._,.P1'oiessor.
.M‘oclern, Languages, .. ,l , WW,-,,,,-,,,A_____Pr0fessor.
Civil Engineering (end lbw/wing,» , . . . . . , , , , , ,, ,. ___,.._Professor.
,/l[ilifa,ry Safe/we, . . . . . i . .l . . . . ._ ,, . . . , . ,. Professor.
Sacred Hisfory, . . . . . . . o . . . , . . . l . . . , . ,, ,.,“...,..__Professor.
Homileties (Hi/dz Hermeneutics, -- .- . , ,, , ,.Professor.
- Sue/fed Lfl'erth/re (HZ/(l ('hristialnl ,, ,, ,, , . , , Professor
7])001‘1-“10; ..,.i .. .., ... .. ...”) " ' * '
Common, and Sfalzofe Law, , . . , . . . , . . . , u , , , , ,. ,, ,, ,,,._,,___Protessor.
(.x'Ullb‘lfifll.liOanl (5' Infernaliomcl Law, . . , , Professor.
Evidence, Pleading, Pram‘ice} . . . . . . \ , "Professor.
,Peanmwhi1), Book—keeping) Com-l
merelal Law and Iii/Lia's.) . p _ ‘ ~ 3 ,. , , s ,.,.,Professor.
Practical va-piculfwy-g} . . _ . . . . . . . . . . ,, , . ..,Superintendent.
Practical ,Horz‘ieu/lz‘lu'e, . . .. . . i . . . . . . , , Superintendent.
../l[(’chanio flrfs, - - - - ~ ~ - ~ - e - - ‘ - . , - . . . - .,M_MSuperintendent.
fleculemy,- . H , . . . . . . . . . i i . . , . . .. . . . . . . . .. ,, , .._....._.._,._,.Principal.
Payment of Fees). A . , i . . . .fl. . . . . . . . . . . WWMWUTreasurer
Name of Bemeu/W/Jéé/éé/KWV/I/fl/W I
Post Ofiiee, /W£m//%Wp{%% 5‘}; S.~
Parent or Gua7€lta7aimlflflwzf
, This paper, when duly endorsed, must be presented, Without delay, to the Secretary of
the proper Faculty, who is required to matriculate the candidate.
Observer nud Reporter prim-

 j ,. a r a 1 W, V a,” ..W» W , ,,
weaeuweom eurirmsrerew
. , , kr-I’Wd’
. , /
_ Lexingt0n,/WA///1 8 7,2.

The bearer has satisfied the requirements for admission to the (WM/z,
COLLEGE, and to the several Schools thereof, as far/as the following indorseinent extends:
Credentials, - - . - 4 , - - - - a - - ‘ ~ - - - - . » - . . . . .[MMKZA/éunafigtmwflegent. .
Consultation, ‘ V . . . r , . . . . . .i . . . . _ , . . .. Jew Kfigiz/W)hes1ding Officer.

i' EWMI'G, - - - - - - - » U'Uiirziiti'f l,i;.,2: AIM”. ,..,,,__l’r0fessor. M771n~
Kai .Mathematies, - ~ - l . i a . l . . . . . . . . . . . . i {5% mgr/“.’, E.,-Ar..4,,;:,.a:1,,._e-:. ._l’rofessor. 1’7 72?
My... - . , - - » - - . , - - ~ - - - . . , . . . . . . i . Protessm
Civil and Political Econmny, l . . . . . . Professor.
Chmnistry, ‘.. ... .‘...A. ... .......i. _V . V.. ..., . ,. _Professor.
.N'afllral Philosophy} . , r . r . . . r , . . . v . . ._.,U.._.1’1'OI'eSsor.
.Na'tal'al History, - . - - - i . . i . - . . - . . . . , V V . . V .. H._.,.,._l’rol'essor.
. Mental aml WIoral Philosophy, . . . . . , . . .. Professor.
Lafin, Languag'e.’ , . . i V . . . . V . . . . . . . . . ___.. ,. i. , ., . ,..,,,..,,i..I)I’Ol'eSSOl'.
Greek Language, . . . . . . .. . . . r . . . . . . . . . i, . . H WProl'essor.
Hebrew Language, - - i . v . . - . - v . . . . -- . . , . , . . ..l’rol’essor.
.lIoclcrn Languages, .. hwy r, ,, W. ,, ,,l’rofessor.
(.'itil Ellg‘in-cel'ivnlg' aml Drawing,- . -. . . . . .V ,. . . , Professor.
.x’lfilila'l‘y Science, . .V v . . , . . .V .. . . , . V , ,W V Professor.
Sacral ”ism/y, -~ ‘ - - -~ . .. . . , . . l . . WW. .. . .. WI’rol'essor.
[[om'iletics and Hernwueafles‘, . , - - Professor.
,S'ao/wl Lite/'(L/I‘LLI'G (11ml (lllJ’lNHlb/Ll .
DW‘fI'inC, ... ‘ _ .. .., H ,. --'*5 . .. , .,, . . , , ...Protessorg
Calm/Lon and StufafeLa/v, ‘ ., V, V .,......Pr0fessor.
(.'onsfitu tional (3' International Law, ., ,.,Professor.
Iflyidcnw, Pleading} Prue/ice, . v V . . .,,,i..,...Prol'essor.
Pmnnanxhi/z, Boole/way)ing", ( 'om—l _.
7/11‘1'0171/ Law (Ill/(Ix [ff/bias, __ . H S ., .. ,. V. ,. ,. .. ..Prolessor.
l’rum‘icul rig/iatrltlll'e, .‘. .‘. ... ,,, .. . . . . , . , . , Superintendent. ’
Practical Ilku'z‘irlllfu/re, . .. V . . Superintendent.
.l[(‘(‘]lr((/’IH.(} ..J/'18, - -- ~ - ~ . , i . l. . , , . . r . , ..‘, ....,..V..Superintendent.
uéleudmny, ,._ ....,..... .. ... ,,. .,. , ,,,...i .. .. V . V ...,Principa].
Payment of Fees, - . . v - . i , . . . ; . . . . . /fl]fl///&////l/Mz(4%4.,.A@WUT1‘Gasurel’.
Pal'enl'm'GI/(l/‘(lia1l,. . /0Lc‘2&/(4W(d
This paper, when duly endors/ed, must be presented, without delay, to the Secretary of
the proper Faculty, who is required to matriculzhbévthe candidate.

Observer mud Reporter print \WJA

(”“‘ “2% L /
I . . ~

', i _ ‘ ”_._ -,- [W
. ‘Lewingz‘om V. ifi . 2/7187/;
The bearer has satisfied the requirements for admission to the _‘ ‘ '
(V‘ominun, and to the several Schools thereof", as far as the following indorsement extends: J
(II'0LZ07LHMZ8, - - - - » - i r . . - . . . - - - - . . Mia/lawman V
(Jon/sultatiou, - v 2,-2.2, sz‘jo err: VVl’l‘esiding Officer.
WI'Cétlbl'efih’F'» - - « - » » . ~ . ~ V. V VV , VV _ VVV' V-_ I Vrvl’roi'essor. j K I
MQQNMLHLW . , m" '.’.H . . 1 :1 2i V V V ' 5' .V .' V.,-.V.Vl’rofessor. g :4
History, - r. .. r. V . . .. .V VV V . ,,,,V W7 _ H 7 7 ,_ H “Professor, 7 A‘
Civil (Ll/(Zr Z’ulif’iwtl lie/27001101], - - - ~ - - - , 7 2 Professor.
(Ill/(f'II’Z/l'sb‘f/‘y, ‘ l r . or, L; V V . . V V , V V [d ZMIK? [:7 ._Professor. "‘-
.A’flltll/JYIZ PhilOSU/l/ty, . . V . . . . . . V . VV V V V V. . .VVV VV V ...V....VVVVVVVVVPI'Ol'eSSOI'.
alto/11,1111[fix/my, . . . . . . . . . . . . V . . . V VVVV_l’rol'essor.
' . Ila/Marl (nu/r ”Me/WV]- l’lii/oxup/Ly, . V V V V V , V V, V. V V, Professor.
Lay/in» Lavzg‘uagg V . V . V V . . . V V V V . V V V V V V Professor.
Gl'pa/c, Lung‘uug‘p, . . V V . _ . V V V . . . . . . . . , V V V V,l)1'()i'ess01'.
,lilk'lu'cu‘ Lur/gIHIg'c’, m ~ H w , ..Professor.
MCI—If Luvrg'lmgasgyk -/-1\ -~ -- V V V V7” ,_ VV V,” V ,V VVl)rol'ess0r. /
('irilv Engineering um] Drawing”, ‘ e . Professor.
. ..lli/i/(Il'g SWIM/(w, . . V V V _ V V Professor.
Nae/'04 [Ills/ary, . A . . r . . . » r . V . . r . . .V . _ V V VVProfessor.
,llfomi/c/ir's and l/(Il'malum/Vitus, - r - - Professor.
»Sm [IS/Sl/lLillflj (rill/.{- . (ind, ( [{,}-Isf-ruu; H lam-6550,,
Claw/non, (I.I/{1r Six/fair Law, . . V V . . , , V _ Professor.
('onx/iz‘ulie/mil. Q" Vl/IVI‘tw/(dimm/ LHIL', , . ~ \ Professor.
[hide/In), VI’ZWII/I'I/g, Prim/[012, . .V . V V V, fVVVV‘VVVVeVV K 'V‘\‘ - .l’rofessor.
l’()/1,,In(l.1/.s'/zi/). Bmz/v-lq‘rw/rgi 11g, ( '(mb—l , I ‘ I H lebqsm.
7)L(’/'(,'1HZL(IH‘ and [Ll/INN, . l .. 5 - V. s .
PIVMfi'iIWZ .'lQ'I'iCIIZiIL/‘P, - - r - .- ... . ~. V V V V V V Superintendent.
I’I'uo/iral Jib/flirt!Ifm'v, . . . . . r l l l . . . V. V V. V. V V V Superintendent.
.’lfflt‘hlo/Iri-G .Vf'll'fb‘, . i - - - ~ » - - ~ . ~ V .V VV V V .V....,Superintendent.
» floadcmy,» . ,V . V . . . . V V V V V V V . V V V . ... V / V » “Principal.
Payment of Fees, - - V . . . r . r - ~ - r r . ~ . r . MflLVM/I/t/r/Whe‘lsulei
Pamnf 07' Guardian, 577%. W.M%céé¢/%~ .’
This paper, when duly endorsed, must be presented, without delay, to the Secretary of
the proper Faculty, who is required to matriculate the candidate. ,
Observer um! Imvnrtcr 1M“!-

 CIA-A 7A7 * i/‘a ”AM-x K WT,» (9M 7&7»;ch w. A ‘-
firatmlfifi muons-rm
: 9?}; v '4 \4 ’v v‘ E\. @9651" VV) ‘v’ w \/ v' 1?)
$.7175?/2/27/V% J % V/Jy/ .
_ The bearer has sntisliezl the l‘Oll‘lil’GleOllls for admission to the 4W/
College, and to the several Schools thereof, as ar as the following endorsements extend:
Credentials, fiWWw%liegent
Cons'nllaliml, /,_ V f; L V. 4"“ _ ...V Presiding Officer.
141/4935*” thél‘ffilfl?» ‘ I IV, ‘ A V. :V L.V Professor.
' ' 'V illnthemutics V)"- ,- « . 45/ " II x ,4“; 'V Professor.
Ills-toryf-w I, V I I Professor.
' Civil and 1’055150’13 ECO-WWI: v A... V. V. V V .VVVVPI'OFCSSWH .
07!?”2’:"f"y;,V / A/ L] if fS/zfq/ I Proll‘smr.
AV'llzcl'tll J’lzilomplly, _ l’rolbssor. ‘-
JWLlI/Vral Ilia-[org], I’rolbssor.
filenlal (lml Jfrn‘al I’lziAV’ompllIn, Professor.
Lat/In Lang/(age, Professor.
Greek Long/loge, I Pl'OR‘SSOIZ
IIebI-ew Language, Professor,
ilfrnlern Languages, Vl’rofbssor.
Civil Engineering and [)r'lN‘inf/, Professor,
illilitnry Scieizce, Professor.
Sacred IIislory, Il’rolcssor. _
IImnilelics aml IIW'I'IM/lf’ll'llcifi _ l’l‘oilEHSUl‘.
Sacred Literature (ll/(l Cl’zrix/[x/n ?
Docirinc, 5 I Proiessor.
Common and Slulnle Law, .I I Professor,
, Constitution/Ll (f: Life/"natiouxll L'ur. A. I I I I IIIIIIIIl’rolL‘ssor,
Evidence, I’Zeztding, Vl’rnclice, I I _l’rofessor.
Penmanship, Bool'-l'eep[n{/, (I'm/— )
mereiul Law (f? Ell/fox, 5 , I I Professor.
Practical Agriculture, V Superiuteudent.
l’rnlicol 110rficult/u'e, Sn})oriutondont.
flIecl/am'c Arts-I, I Superinicmlent.
Aer/demn, ‘ I I Principal.
Payment of Fees, 444% 504/5 MW/MI/t’t CL0C(V(;~\. IIrl‘l'CilSlll'Ql‘.
Arnme of Bearm/MI/£ W67“) @d/Léy
P0815 (Mice, .V .V AV A V W «J/ @, V
Parent or Guardian. _ M, Q“ ‘Q/LW _..“. I, I I
This paper, when duly endorsed, must he presented, without delay, to ilivV- Secretary of the _ I}
If proper Faculty, “:ho is required to matriculato the candidate. ' A
' . 4 [I .”::

- WW ”+7“ 0 /-/F:\WW
Lari/zgr‘o/r, flaw/a7 ., ///— 18 7 Z:
The heurer hus satisfied the requirements for admission to the M 01944.1... n“
('oLLiioic, and to the several Schools thereof, us far us the following indors-ement extends:
('I'cde/rlials, .... . .. . .....,.. .. Wi/WMKl/L&L—' .Regent. —
("’)/’/'5'((/[/"I/li»’J//; - , - -- - ~ . ~~ - - . » .. 45”: /’ :3» (”KM Presidingr Officer. I
Egg/14W - - > - f » ~ - f - - - ~~ 4.. w, 1.. .‘ .. . .. . ,. Professor. /;5/- W
1/7" 24': Jlldf'hellutflkw, . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . ,, -37- fi... . :» . . , ..Profe._ . . .. . . . l-‘rofessor.
NHWI’W/r His/org], - - .. ,. . .. .. .U . , ., . .l’rofessor.
l/omi/r’l/m mm’ l/M'mz'm’uHm, - -- Professor.
' Sarvw/ Lj/w/w/H/‘w (II/(l W/I/‘ix/[mzf 1,. .\ .. .
how/HIM. -- -~ - ~-5 ’ “MM“-
(‘o/u/mm um/ S/(I/II/w Luz/2 . ,_ ... . . . ,1’1‘ol'essor.
('ol/x/ifII/ioI/(Il 4)" l/I/(‘Ivm/[o/(u/ Law, Professor.
EI‘fIZP/H‘V, ./’l('(I(/i//Lg', Prue/ice, . . . . . . ,. . ., ,. , .l’l‘ol'essor.
l’(’//llb((./l.\‘/Ii/), lion/r-A'r'N/{i/lg‘, (Wm—l , _7 . .. _
Ill/(’/'(’l'((/ LHH‘ (ll/(Ir I'M/luw, .. . .. 5 ' ' * howwm'
I’I'IH‘IH'HZ .:lQ'/'i('(IZ/(I/'(’, ,.. --» .4‘ ..» . . .. . . , Superintendent.
Prat/[PHI //U/'fl'('((//((ll'(’, ._. ..,., ... . . .Superintendent.
.l/k’v/ut/Iin HIP/N, --- -- » ., --- - - ., . .. ..Superintendent.
“dearly/my, -- / . .. Principal.
[’(l‘I/lIl/L’rllf of HTS, . , - . . ~ » . » - - . - - - - . - M/fl/j/"li/ZM Q4:i€féii..'l‘reusurer.
Post 0/]i('(’, (/bgfL/ALr/flré [49 .( /(f.£, %fl&/{) 4 ’1 9'
‘ litre/2f or ()‘1Ht/‘(7in/z, /Z;<£L7 r VlVMC‘éé I
'l‘hQS‘pup‘er, when duly endorsed7 must be presented, without delay, to the Secretary of"
the proper Faculty, who is required to inatrieulute the candidate.
Observer [Ind Reporter prlm.

 ‘ ' l / ‘ -/ V
No. (7’ gggglmgsggme
._/ \ /'
‘ ' .L0.7Vi7lgi07l,/7: V. V V V V ..VVVVVVProfessor.
..»/Military‘5'0171311.(;(_{, .. V V. V V. V VV V V V V VV V _V V V Professor.
- one/Hal llisfory, ~ V . . . V . V . V . . . . V V . . . . V. V V V V V V. V VVVVVVVVVV......Professor.
Homilofim (Ir/Ml Her/1w];om‘irs, ~ - - ~ V V V Professor.
Saw/ml VVLjfe/Tlfura "ml (VI/’(lh‘lll/Vlll-l H 7 Professor
l)0(*//'1,//(2,~-~~-r ~~ ~ ...) ' '
(Jul/moon (ll/{l ‘S'ful'lm' Law, V V V V V V V V V. V V VVVV,VVVVProtessor.
(Tons/[ltd(301ml Q" [life/'Ilafirnml Law, a V V VVVVVVI’rofessor.
Jiliulol'Lw, Pleading, Prue/i130, . . V V . . V ‘ Professor.
'3 V. , -V V) ._.,, V _ “‘. F ‘“V’V '
1:.'::7r.<2:::~2xxx/mi; 292555.25: W l .. I we \. .. f.
Practical .ig'I'irulhI/w, - V . V - . . V .V V ~ V V V Superintendent.
pravtical Hopi-[pa]!(Ly-c} V .V . V V V V V .V _V V V VV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVSuperintendent.
.Uachcmic .,‘]I'fs, V i V - y L - - r ~ ~~ - r» - - V. V. V V V. VVVVV‘ VVVSuperintendent.
floadcmy,» ~ -~ »~- » - ~ - - - - - -- m - ~ ..V V V7.1”, 4 V, VVVVPrincipal.
. Payment of Fees, ~ ~ » - - ~ - - » - - ~ ~ - ~‘~ - ~ - fl///rZ(/H 5.041....VVQCTVVVVVVVVVTreasurer.
Post Ofiiccr, V V V. V /j(47¢a2 (fa/LodCSZaA
Parent or GIICI/l'dvl'a/H, .V (.Zvé/Wt/iJLszV“
This paper, when duly endorsed, must be presented, Without delay, to the Secretary of
the proper Faculty, who is required to inatriculate the candidate. .
Observer and Reporter prim.

 , . .
{<5 , M ,1”; {A J Wk k :i “V7 36‘ , ._ V» M \{95 r ,
iémtmkg @‘ummmtg
J?» V“ \V' "5' “V 5" ézcrsge) WV 3 ' , V _‘ 2?‘
‘ $Jv;7/m, £417“, 2 3 732/ ..
The bearer has satisfied the requirements for admission to the b// / 9% ' :3
College, 21:11 to the several Sfliools thereoI',;1.< 1211' its the following endorsements extend:
OI'Edi’lll‘ii’l/h‘, //Wtz{ép¢ liege n t.
CYK)II.h'.-‘(U(lfllx’)li, L ' if, :/ 3’: $1554 :J’residing OIIieer.
Jklf/ZFRIZI'IZ‘lbfl . .. .v " r .a Professor. V
‘ IDs-(org, _ “A V, ., , _ __ Professor. ‘
Ciril (ll/(l ,I’<)/i.‘,e'(”(.’ Economy, _W . . ., H V . _ _ Proiessor.
CVzenn'sh'y. , V II’rotessoiu
AWN/null 1’/(2'/(r~'01).7/y. . _ Professor.
AVID/W’ll Ifisforf,', T’roi‘essni .
film/[a1 (mrl )[rmr’ l’l/i’nwj'th Professor.
Lat/n Lung/mgr). Professor.
Greek ergzmge, Professor.
IMO/W!- Language. Professor.
Jleri/vz Lanf/m/gm, ,I’roi‘L-ssor.
Ciril Eng/Ifimeriuf/ (1:;(7 I)i-'//!'/'.I/,//, V 1’roibssor.
Jlilihtrg/ Evie/W, Professor.
Sacred III.x-f_r;:'//, Professor.
Ham ile‘fcx am] _U'crmm/m 't'cs. i'rofessor.
Sac/WI. Literature mu] (,'r’i’u'fvfxlm ? .
Doctrine, 5 Professor.
Common, and Stab/Ir: Lil/4.". 1>,-(,‘tps_\.m.'
C'UILs‘i’ftufion’ll ((3 Ill/(”ffl'lIIIIU/l‘l, LII!" V W__I’J‘()Ze.~'sor, '
Eriflmco, [Wei/(ling. l’rxlc'iwr», Professor.
I’G/UHIUH/If/i. Bool'-ZWI/)i1/.(/. (Wu/.I- P
nmrciul _L'I/(f A" [if/lies, 5 Professor.
J’rm'h’mtl Agrirll.’f//r€. Superintendent.
l’mtiertl 117n'licull/Irrr, Snperin‘tendent.
.J[e('7mn,ic Aria Superin’ezitlent‘.
4‘1('-f/(]IJHZ‘7/, _I’rineipui.
‘ Pawn/wt of Fem, ////7//7’W m _, 'l‘rensurer.
Arrmm of ,lieurrI/g/MZw pWM #5522290”
J’oxf 01/1772. flVMg a/V ,éofiv , 01 a, / _ ,
J’urmt or Guardian. (pg, , 214‘ . //A/,;Z¢:%¢&M ,
This paper, wh< 11 July endorsed. must. he presented, without delay, to the Seeretztry ot the
proper Faculty, who is required to mutrieuhite the eundidzite.
LL17 ':."i' ’; Wit/mac; Bwf‘rmnrj

 ' Qtwttirlw magma},
agar/1174'”, v/Z’f Z 3 Lia/597 /.
V .3/
The bearer has Salisliol the requirements for admission to the ,//./ Léé ’
College, and to the sen-ml Schools thereof. as far as the followingr eulorsezuenis extend:
, Credentials, ///%/4mmm Regent.
Consultation, I: ' j, 7 Ta 7'": A». Presiding Officer.
2 ,- f. Enqlls-ll,_L£t§ralure, .. z", 1,.. L.., ”37...» .. . , PI'OIESSOY-
.,,, -. , JlIatlm'Inatlo-s'w , . _ _ . ’ .. 7 Prolbssor.
x), ,. Illstory, >21“: « . - ,‘ . _ I’roihssor.
.,,... ' ‘ Civil and Politic (.7 Economy. .. .,,.. _ p, "Professnr.
I Cllmnls‘try, . Professor.
AWtural Philosoplty, _ Professor.
. .ZVaturul Iltxtonly, Proli‘sscr.
Mental and Jll’n'al [Widow/dry, Professor.
Latin Language, Professor.
Greek Langur‘lgw, 3 I’rolbssor.
Jlebrew Language, Prolessor.
Ill'odm'n Languagm, Professor.
Civil Eng/limertng and Dru/Irina, Professor.
filllltary Science, Professor.
Sacred Illstory, Proficssor.
IImniletlcs and [ferment/(vies, ‘ Profbssor.
Sacred Literature and (ll/'lt/l’I/I. 2 .
. ‘ Doctrine, 3 Professor.
Common and Statute Law, _ 15.01-05.40]:
Constitutional d? L/tm'nationul Luna WProlessor. .
Evidence, .l’leadlng. .l’ractlce. Professor.
Pemnamhip, Ifoolr-l-wptng. Urnn- ?
merciul Luu: d" EM 17m. ‘5 _ Professor.
Practical Agriculture. fluporinteudent.
Pratical Ifln‘tu‘ulture, Suporiutendent..
llfechanic Arts, _ Superiuiezident.
Academy, .,. Principal.
Payment of Fees, WW WW 'l‘rcnsurer.
qume of Jicurmgm M”! ‘,.... . /§—@M .
.})o..:,(g[1:(,-e, may” % 371a, , 3
Parent or Guardian. Jlxl, fir flflw W .
Thispnper,wl10n duly endorsed, must he presented. without delay, to the Secretary of the
proper Fuhulty, who is required to nmtriculate the candidate.
. J’ t", r i.- P.-.’!z.“.'.:.-'1:fl
- v:

N0. .2./.52 LEXING‘u-T‘ON '
/ HM H; V- _e _/ 1:
The bearer has satisfied the requirements for admission to the __ 1/%//[{‘#///)-
COLLEGE, and to the several Schools thereof, as far as the following indorsement extends/
Credentials, - - . - - » - . -. . . . , , . . . . . . . ’//.%i/.g4.mag.z...;,.:._.Regem.
Consultation, - - - . . . . ._ . . . . . . . (all/t ., .‘fl’residing Ollicer.
a English Liferm‘zufe, /.5 i 1. 1?? 2:7,.1 ‘7, AL, ‘L :‘r‘ (‘ L../:..:jL/K ,..}rol‘essor. . I
,4 .. .JIm‘henLdfieS‘Z;filo/5 . SIX/”ml. ' , ., z; 4 ,.o‘g .\.» ,l’rol'essorTWmf-zw
I, I ' Hififity, £54 J "(774% - ‘ ./-' ,2 . . . ., . ..,. _’./A-....__._.._..Professor. W6
. 7 Civil and Poliz‘ieal Economy, 7’. - . . —. . . Professor. ,.., 'V
Chmnisfry’ ... . _. , .. ... .. __ . . . . .. . . . . . .l’rol‘essor. 9.5/1 .»-
.N'uhu'ul Philosophy, ». .. .. . _. Professor.
.3 tofu/ml History, . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Professor.
JIem‘a-l (rm/r ville/u] Philosop/Ly, . . .. . . \ Professor.
Lafin, Language, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Prolessor.
Greek Language, ~- .. ... ... ... .. . .. .. . .. . . . . . .. Professor.
Hebrew Language, ,. - .. . . Professor.
' .UOdff/‘lb Languages, . . .. . . . , . . _,. , .-, ,, - .L. .., Professor.
(r'iz'il Engineering" and DIV/wing,- - - , Professor.
.,lj'ili'lm'g/ Seiem'e, . . . . . . . , Professor.
Sag/77], ][iS/Ul[j .. .. . ., . .. . . . . . ,. .. .. ., , . . . . . ., . ,. . Professor.
IIkJI'IL’i/efirxs' and ./’I.r(f/'lllr(,’llGill/[(253 . . Professor.
Sue/WI lez’l'ctltu'e and ('Izl'isl'iruz l_ Profcwm
Z)o('[/"I//,e,~. ,. ~ -- ,.5 " ' ‘ ,,,
Common, (II/(l AS/NlIC/(zLfl/Uf’, - , , - , . , Professor. q
('Irllsliluz‘io/Lal» .5- [IL/(’I'H/(HUIULZ Law, .l’rofcssor.
[Slide/roe, .l’lem/i/tg‘, Proof/Tee, . . . . . ...... . Professor.
l’r'nmrnlm'lzi/l, Boo/r-/t‘yr'('/{i.lz,g, (Jone? , Pr< 1.),“ _-
III/(fl'UI/I] Law and. [Ll/HON, . . . , f '- - ’ 95””
Prue/[vol UIQ‘I'L‘ouZ/‘Iu'e, . .. .., , ., ,.. . ,, . . ., . .,.Superintemlent. .
lJ/'(L(..‘L‘I'0(.Ll jfor/[L‘lbl/‘lb/‘C, ._. ..... ... .,,, . . ., ,. . ...... Superintendent.
.l[('(:ha///ic fll'ls, . . - - - - - , .. - ., - - , . ., _ , ,WSu1)e1'i11temle11t.
Ugfladmrrby, . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . .. . , ......Principul.
Payment of Fees, . - . -» . . . . . . . . . . . % 77/??fl21/4M 4M .1.”...__'J,‘1-easure1-.
.N'cune of Beale/,xiflM/QO/fila/L
Post Office, ,. , , ..,,(1.../r,«(.z.a.(:rz4,a,.2. fijfl/H/z/QZL.) (IQ/”x (j: 5:
This paper, when duly endorsed, niust be presented, without delay, to the Secretary of
the proper Faculty, who is required to Inatrioulate the candidate.
Ulmcrvcr and [reporter prim,

 . ‘ '7 \
:Fé‘ii‘é“ ‘ ' ‘ ‘
Miami: umer1f‘*
”71/97 4, l v; j «7' 4'7 g 6.0,, a5 w- vv $7? V L57 VB -,
$.27/x/7/a/7, %, 7 /7‘f7/
The bearer 1121s sulislicl the requirements for admission to the %/W
College, and to the several Schools thereof, as far as the following endorsements extend:
Credentials, /m—WZfi/MA/ Regent .
Consultation, , ,,, _7 7 z 7‘ «..- 1’1'csiding Officer.
W54. /7 ~ I” ; _.. :1. .. l. .. ,. i.' -..-;1:.-Pr0fessor.
11495077!) ,. , 7 ., Professor.
Clam //~ "1. ilfl (14 ‘42 /472 .. . a. . ,.I’rorosaor.
Aralural 1’hlloxoplzg, .. V Professor.
RafiZL, , leLlflfilflfY/ig _ . Professor.
lldcnlul dud Elfm'ul I’liilomjil/g, Professor.
Latin Lung/urge, ,. _ Professor.
Greek Lunguagc, _ _ . V Professor.
Jchrcw Language, ,, . 1’1‘0f0550r.
. Modem Lnguugps, .. , Professor.
Civil Engineering and Drawing, ‘ g . g ..,..Pl'olbssor,
Jililiturg SClHZCE, . Professor.
Sacred Illslorg, ‘ g . Prolessor.
IIomilcllcs and Ifcrnzcucu;’.lc.v, __ , Professor.
Sacred Literature and (LVN-[stilt]: ?_
Doctrine, 5 7 Professor.
Common and Slalulc Lair, 5 .. .. _ Prof-05301..
Constitutional (C‘ Inflarnrztabnrul Luu‘, *V (1%“ h. V‘ \\ . .......P1"’fi‘-“50"-
Evidencc, Plcrldlug, Practice, ~ _ , ‘4 Professor.
Pcmnunship, Boolr-lrccping, Com- 2
merciul Law (l'tEl/dcx. S , ,, Professor.
Practical Agriculture. ‘ _ h Suporiutoudent.
Pralicul Ilorllcullurc, , . ‘ Suporintondent.
Jifcclumlc Arts, ., _ _ Superintendent.
Academy, .. .. H _ 7 Principal.
,_ Payment of Fees, ‘ Wflm 5.: 5 97¢ 'I‘rcusurer.
Name of Bearer, MMW [lg/”54. @77/7gé5 / .1 .
Post Office . . 4747/7/L, A4/ or ._
Parent or Guardian. %77/./é777777$, , .
This paper, when duly endorsed, must be preseu .ed, without delay, to flu. Secretary of the
5 proper Faculty, who is required to matriculate the candidate.
~ Elm Hun.» ."'lziifrw a: P 1 . 55‘ l J .. -

 @4117]fo ’A "E W if ET"Min/mA/Mfim .52
thnrig gamma .
The bearer has satisfied the requirements for admission to the 4% , '
College, and to the several Schools thereof, as far as the followingr endorsements extend:
Credentials, WW Regent. .
Consultation, . , J _ i,,;*‘/*/”//:/(
(bladder), and to the several Schools thereof, as far as the following indorsenient extends:
{/VI'C([(‘/lr/'l.((,z.5‘, --~ - -- - ........ .... .. /////// [4:21 2. _.[c /. LBegent. N
COILA‘H/[r/‘(I/l[VJ/L', - . ~ ~ - ‘ ~ . - . . . . . . . . - , . _ ,_ , -’:, Presiding Officer.
English Life/'(ol‘ul'c, . . . . . . , .1.. . .. . ., ., ._ A . ._ .. , , ,.--.2. ..' ...l’rofessor.
.Mdfhemaficx, . . ~43 ,,, J7 . .- ,.:} 1 J' ., ‘.f ._l’rofessor. , f '
[HS/UPI], - - > - , - - . - - - - . - . - . . . L , ,, ,V., H , ,. H ,,.,,..._.,.__._.......,_._Professor.
('i/17it and I’olifivul Emmrnzy, - - - - . . . Professor-
C/I/("Iibisl/y, ... ... .. ... .. ... ._.. . _, ., .l’rofessor.
.A”'((,/1(,,/'((,] Philosophy, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., ,, ,. . . ., , J