xt7ghx15n565_49 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. The Fisk Teachers' Agencies text The Fisk Teachers' Agencies 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_6/Folder_16/111831.pdf 1902 1902 1902 section false xt7ghx15n565_49 xt7ghx15n565 i
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BOSTON, MASS" 4 Asuburfon Place. CHICAGO, ILL., 378 Wabash Avenue. DENVER. COL., 533 Cooper Bldg.

NEW YORK. N.Y., I56 Fifth Avenue. TORONTO, CAN., 25 King St, W. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, 420 Parrott Bldg.
WASHINGTON, D C.,l505 Penn. Ave. MINNEAPOLIS, MlNN., 4l4 Century Bldg. LOS ANGELES, CAL., 525 Stimpson Block.

TERMS TO TEACHERS : $3.00 for registration in one Agency, and $1.00 for each additional Agency. Registration fees
must accompany the return of application forms. Five per cent of one year’s salary is due upon engagement from each candidate
who secures a position through the Agency, and should be paid within thirty days after engagement.

Information of vacancies must be considered confidential, and be used only for the benefit of the candidate to whom it is sent.
Any transgression of this rule will render the candidate liable for the commission.

The commission is charged irrespective of length of engagement, except when a teacher is employed as substitute. in which
case seven per cent will be charged for the actual time of substituting: i.e., the amount of commission is the same whether the candidate
is employed at the beginning of the school year, or at any time during the year, and whether the teacher is hired by the week, by the
month, or by the year, unless the position is that of a substitute. If the position leads to a permanency, the amount on which commission
has been paid as substitute will be deducted from one year‘s salary, and five per cent will be charged on the remainder.

When board is given as part of salary, it is estimated at from $200 to $5oo,‘_according to value.

If a candidate who has secured a position through us obtains an advance in salary before the close of the first year of service, he is
under obligation for the commission on the advance the same as on the original salary.

If a teacher is elected to a position, having given assurance that he will accept it, any change of plan will not affect his obligation to
us. In justice to employers and to ourselves, we wish to prevent candidates making contracts which they are not prepared to keep.

Ifa candidate applies through theAgency for a position, or is recommended for a position by the Agency, and is elected by the
same officials to that or another position,then or later, directly or indirectly, as a result of these negotiations, commission is due the Agency.

If a candidate obtains an increase of salary in his present position as an obvious result of an application for another position at our
suggestion. or of information received from the Agency, commission will be charged on the position to which we have called attention the
same as if it were accepted.

Registration secures membership for two years, unless the candidate secures a position before the end of that time. If, as sometimes
happens, a candidate is represented by us after the period of his registration has expired, he is expected to meet the terms of the Agency
the same as if the service had been rendered before the end of this period.

lfa candidate Secures a position through one of our Agencies after the expiration of his period of membership, he agrees to pay to
the Agency the usual registration fee in addition to the usual commission.

A candidate, having secured a position. is held responsible to us for commission, if either he or the employer has recognized us as
an intermediary in bringing about an engagement; that is, if the candidate has acted upon our information of the vacancy, or has been
recommended by the Agency to the employer in response to a call. If previous information concerning a vacancy would seem to invali-
date our claim for commission, any objection to such claim must be made immediately upon receipt of notice of the vacancy from us.

Your signature and filling out the blank on the other side of this sheet is a promise to 00mply with the above terms.

When 2: cumlidaxc desires In register in more than one Agency, be may send with lbc ' Our conditions of membership are intended lo discourage inferior teachers from ap-
propcr ices the requisite number of registration forms, properly filled out, [u the particular plying; but It should also be understood lliat excellent teachers whom we are glad to
Agency with which he expects to have most correspondence, and they will be dislributcd. represent, and who are cntlrcly worthy of the posltlons they scek,ps.omellmcs fall to secure
This will save IllC cnmlillzuc explanatory letters to flu: scvcral Azcncics. aid_througb our efforts. Cpmpemlon, thc'uncertamty of opportunltlcs and other condmons

Candidates are advised lo register in Boston, New \'orlc, \Vashiugmu, Chicago, entirely foreign to the merits of the candldatcpr .tllc Agency, so cntcr Into the cage that
Toronto, Minneapolis, Ilcnvcr. San Francisco or Lus Angclcs, according as the location of we cannot closely estimate the chances of any InflIyIdual candldate. Thereforcnvlnlc we
the Agency i5 lllu.~l convenient to (hcm for corrcsponduncc or personal interviews, lllougb are sure that our methods and their results are sausfactory to the mass of our patrons, yvc
none of (be Agencies have territorial limitations, each negotiating with candidates and Wl5_ll HO teacher to register \Vllll SUCh confidence RS t0 feel wronged ShDUlll I”: fall to rcCClVC
school officersiu any pun of the country. \Vc endeavor in conducting these Agencies to assxstnucc. . _ . , ,
cumlnuc the advantages of independent and co-opcrulivc Agencies. Each Agency is, in When the“! 15 a C71” for El ICflCllf-‘l' to do n particular land 0f work,_ “PPl'CflnIS qualified ‘
gcucrul, lcouiluclcd independently, and is not embarrassed by the candidates or the to do that work. are passed m'revlCW, and SUVCIHI IC'JCI‘PTS “"3 nomumlcd, SUCll as best
l'cspul)5ll)lllllch oi lhc other Agcncics. (In the ollwr lmud each is perfectly free, in case of fulfil the conditions 8510 cxpencncc, age. CdUCfll'mly 10533110“, salary, etc. . .
emergency, to call on anyoftllc olbcl' Agencies to nominate a candidate Iorapnsition, or We sometimes receive offers of two or three times our regular Comm]S_SlOn for .
In squcq u pmilion for .1 x‘fllldlll‘llli. In case of rcgislmlion in several Agencies, lhc SchIal scrvwc, or requests for an abatement because of apparently little trouble Incurred.
Agency first addressed corrc>pomls will! lhc rcl'crcnccs given, and sends copies of lcsti- \Vc {Ire wall nwarc that our requirements do uni bear with equal \vclglu upon all our
mouiuls lo the additional Agencies. Only one commission is charged :1 candidate in case ‘ candidates: but ll 15 lfllr l0 SUPPOSc that a Cflndldme who makes an engagement through
:\ pnsilinu ls‘ sutured by [he co—opcrminn of two of our Agencies, while a candidate the Agency rcccxvcs somewhat more advantage from the engagement than the amount
enrolled in two Agencies under separate managements sometimes becomes liable for two called for lwllu: Agcucy;_ otherwise he would not make the engagement. Both :15 a
commissions. became of service received from two firms. It is incxpcdlcnt for us to allow lmsmcss policy and m _fmrncss to our candidates lakep as a whole; We expect all
transfers of CnlllllllillCS from one Agency to another, or to allow transfers of membership I appllCflMS to comply “fill. our prmtcd COHdfllmlsg and ”1 110 CflS€_“'lll It be helpful
from (Illcpcl'wm louumhcr. ' ' j to a lcncbcr to ochr 51136131 inducemepls. Intelllgcul teachers “'1” undersmnd that

\Vcrlo not imurc any teacher a position. Tcucbcrs should expect rcprcscmation for ‘ it is \'ittll 10 our success and reputation to serve our cundulmcs SIrlCllY 1n IICCEJI‘~
only such plzu‘cs as their rcmul proves Ibcm qualified to fill.- \Vc do promise by corre- tlflnct} with_ll1cxr moms. and that “’8 cannot properly be COHU‘UIIECI by our sympathies
.\pumlcn'rc, and us far as practicable by personal investigation, to acquaint ourselves with or ffIlefiIHPS. . . . .
(Ilc|1\cl’llsufc.u7lxInlmllllulc: but beyond lhis wc promise nothing. Teachers should not Candldales arc-requested. 10 send 1‘ PllOIQEmPh a} ”‘9 samcumc ‘V'lh rcglstratloln
Ilt'llcnd solely on our advocacy of their intcrcus, bm should make the samc personal ‘ form. A personal lmcrvlcw Is advised, unless I: necessitates conSIdcrablc expense. It IS
rilurh (u scrurc pus-hum; as though not registered will] us. I important that candidates lcccp us Informed of tbclr address, and we are glad to have

“V: cannot concentrate our sympathy upon czlcb individual camlidauubut shall do them writcus occnsmnplly. , , . . .
lhc best we can for our entire list. Each should localize as Inuchligbl as possible on his ; \Vllencvcr Immediate payment of commussxon has been cspccmlly luconvcmcut, we
“writs. and no! llCIVClHl 4m imporlunity for prcfcrmcm. “ have generally, as a matter of accommodation, acccplcld :1 note to be paid from the first

It ia‘ :m llllllspcnslllllt‘ pl‘crvquisilc In our clbcicmly interesting ouvsclvcs in appll- I lnSmIl‘1‘3",‘°f5“l3_’Y' Tl!” commisston ‘5 _’IW’ “P0“ engagement, and "- ‘5 P1535313" {0"
cams tlmt they be heartily :uul intelligently interested for themselves. ‘. both pamcs that u be paid as soon as pOSSIblc.

.l.‘ I

 . l '
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Before rcgzstcrzng, road carcfnl/y 1126 contract jirznted on Me of/zcr sm’e oft/113 s/zeet. ' I
MMWWLW DatcfiQ/VVLA/ ...9:&Z..190,2
Permanent Address,... .. . .. .. . .... M ”(Q/... Temporary Address, .. (HA/C ... ..7/1/7/0’
( lease keep us in ormed of any change in address.)
Telegrap/z AddwsstWVl/ . slap/zone Addressmw. .. .., ,, flowfarfrom 1’. 0.?0... . . .W
{a .WQL MN. (:07? 9:, arm-lefl’a

1. Where and when Graduated ?. .W._V. .WW. .....-..., ,__ _ 01310“, long have . ou ught?..... _

2. Whereelse have on studiedP..............:.......... ’............. .....‘. -. Where last en a mm. H ..

y w W m1. (‘“de ° , 1 5g tag, _

3. Where have you taught’dOAA/WWQL . .DMU” . 0 you sing?..m.‘..... Play?.. .. V

7. Underscore once the following branches whichyou have studied, twice such branches as you can teach, and your specialties tin-cc
times. Add in writing any other specialties we have not enumerated: Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus, Surveying,

r Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Physiology.
Biology, Zoology, Astronomy, Geology, Physiography, Latin, Greek, French, German, Italian, Spanish, English Lan—
guage, English Literature, Anglo-Saxon, English Composmon, Rhetoric, Ancient History, Modern History, United States
History, Civil Government, Political Economy, Psychology, Pedagogy, Logic, Metaphysics, Sight-Singing, Vocal Training,
Piano, Organ, Musical Theory, Harmony, Violin, Cornet, Guitar, Banjo, Mandolin, Book-keeping, Penmanship, Stenog-
raphy, Type-writing, Drawing, Painting, Gymnastics, Elocution, Calisthenics, Athletics, Military Drill, Manual Training,
Forge and Foundry Work, Wood-working, Sewing, Cooking, Sloyd, Clay-Modelling, Reading, Grammar, Geography, Arith-
metic, Nature Study.

8. Underscore the kinds of work that you would accept, and doubly underscore what you prefer: Kindergarten, Primary, Inter-
mediate, Grammar School, High School, Academy.» "ristztte School, WWI, Training School, College, Principalship,
Department Teaching, Superintendency of City Schools, First, Second and Third Primary, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh,
Eighth and Ninth Grammar Grades, Tutorship, Position as Governess.

. 9. Underscore those Agencies in which you wish to register: Boston, New fork, Was/n’ngton, D.C., Chicago, Toronto,
Minneapolis, Denver, San Francisco, Los Angcles.
IO. Ofwhat Church ainembcl’pM/WW 16. Are you married?......ww
II. If not a member, What Chmgh do you attend?...... .. 17. If married, how many r ildren?.:W
12. What salary have you recewed’lmmw 18. State you; (Q/Z .. ..
, 13. What salary do you expectP.................q...o....b 19. Have yov.x-.-'€;5,x_,.; meal 11?... .4./JON.
' I4. Least salary you would probably accept?....#..... M 20. Do you insist on any particular locality .’....
15. What teachers’ ertificates have you rece'ved i... . . Vamcanfou begin work >wF/LLCLW
Gfm FULL ADDRESSES wml PROPER TITLES of four or ”rompers-on: who know q/yzmr :c/zolarrhzf and lent/ling (161711], to whom you art 'zuilling t/mt we :lumld write.

“E E i 3 i5 gé —;E 45:; { E's; i: _i: E E i—‘ER‘; 5339‘: A: :55: “352% :5: E :75; a;
((LHE E: 12:13: LEAGliizS EEENQIEQ
:77W’12: = =: == =T==T ::=:=—; . 2 =71:== 7 :22:
_0:;/;;:/;=o“—"—_————————’~—'———/ -‘ _ Everett O.Flsk & Co.
BOSTON, MASS" 4 Ashburton Place. CHICAGO. ILL., 378 Wabash Avenue. DENVER. COL., 533 Cooper Bldg.
NEW YORK, N.Y., I56 Fifth Avenue. TORONTO, CAN., 25 King St, W. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, 420 Parrott Bldg.
WASHINGTON, D.C..l505 Penn. Ave. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN., 4|4 Century Bldg. LOS ANGELES, CAL, 5’25 Stlmpson Block.
W} _ » o
' d/H/W\Ol/VV3/7190 9’-
fl ' l V] Cl ' '
I 0 W V
" LN ' \>
You have been referred to as being able to speak intelligently of the char=
acter and the work of. OL&%WW
We shall be gratified if you wi l give on the topics named low as .
discriminating, full, and transparent statements as possible. .Any further
points of criticism or recommendation may be written on the back of this sheet.
Information unfavorable to the candidate will be received in confidence. ,
1. Scholarship. (E/TJJ/p/Ll/Vl/l’
2. Success as a teacher. ?/ ML
_3’. Ability as a disciplinarian. ?/ W79! ~
4. 4’ersonal appearance.%0*/l/ Q/I) j/Wd’x’ W 0% g "
:7. Moral and religious character. (j/ ML
6. Habits or peculiarities likely to interfere with success. W

 l ‘-‘/ ‘
:‘Yf;ml>\.\w4 —:$ = ..: é ;
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“4.7—“E=’—— = == =2 Eifaa? E22275? . E EFEEE E‘ 32%
% EWW“ O-Flsk & CO- '
:32} ri;2:.f7fiu== P ROPRI ETORS.
BOSTON, MASS., 4 Ashburton Place. . CHICAGO, ILL., 378 Wabash Avenue. DENVER. COL., 533 Cooper Bldg.
NEW YORK, N.Y.I I56 FiIth Avenue. TORONTO, CAN., 25 King St, W. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, 420 Pant)“ Bldg.
WASHINGTON, DiC.,I505 Penn. Ave. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN., 4|4 Century Bldg. LOS ANGELESI CAL., 525 Stimpson Block.
/WW\&/Ww§/7IQO 5L.
\. ..’— ) I ‘
M . WWI/h? W?» ,me 7%
You have been referred to 5 being able to speak intellige tly of the char: .
acter and the work of,WQ%.W. ., .. .. _ . .
i We shall be gratified if you ill give on the topics named low as
discriminating, full, and transparent statements as possible. .Any further
points of criticism or recommendation may be written on the back of this sheet.
- Information unfavorable to the candidate will be received in canfidence.
\ ‘ _, ’
1. ScholarshipfiCI/OL. %\ /JDI)/V'/‘/V&/ ~ V/gé/ ”Cl/WW
. . /
2. Success as a teacher. #0 /M Wd/ W ffl W
3. .Ability as a disciplinarian. Q/é/ 791/ 1! ’WM \
We, mmw W '
4. ersonal appe/arancm \ J, PW t ..
J VWW L} m“ Oh/ .
. J T i / ' I“ ll
_xy. Moral and religious character. $4M OK,\ MM WW I JL
6. thits or peculiarities like to interfere with success.
' W WWW“

gym/4 5 i = E i Ai—
«s is s :s is: is Eé s is; i i; : :ER airs JKi ii :::. is -——L: -
(Lani E: tire lliAiCHits iiiNeIss
r—‘..‘:-_—“—‘—*_: 4 — :F‘misr—eaoimstaco—f ‘ ' * “
._f...'_N_._E_‘: _R_*_W - PROPR. ems.
BOSTON, MA$$., 4 Ashburton Place. CHICAGO, ILL, 378 Wabash Avenue. DENVER. COL., 533 Cooper Bldg. ‘
NEW YORK, N.Y., |56 Fifth Avenue. TORONTO, CAN., 25 King SL, W. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, 4.20 Parrctt Bldg.
WASHINGTON, D.C.,l505 Penn. Ave. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN., 4I4 Century Bldg. LOS ANGELES, C_AL., 525 Stimpson Block.
. K p
‘ I I ‘
You have been referred to as being able to spafi'niligenlbl of the char:
actor and the work ofWMLfl/W .. . .. M7 -
We shall be gratified if yo will give on the topics n med below as
discriminating, full, and transparent statements. as possible. Any further
points of criticism or recommendation may be written on the bacle of this sheet.
Information unfavorable to the candidate will be received in confidence.
1. Scholarship. (a/ Wd/ .
2. Success as a teacher. (ii/WW m Q/Em WV
5’. Ability as _a discijblinarian. %\/6 M VPfl/I/V W
4. GDersonal appearance. @(FU’OL/ Wm? Vl/l/X/U WW
_5. Moral and religious character. fi/ mKOt/
(7. Habits or peculiarities likely to interfere with success. %70 M W

%m 52 E ‘=£ A;—
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212112 1:22;; 122621122 222N925
a; = T—T: :2:2=TT2:TT§T6TF- HETT TTTT
2 jffis —INCORPORATED{_—2~=:e ere ‘ ls PRg'PRIETORS
BOSTON, MASS.,4Ashburton Place. CHICAEO, ILL., 378 Wabash Avenue. DENVER. COL., 533 Cooper Bldg.
NEW YORK. N.Y.I 156 Fifth Avenue. TORONTO. CAN-,QS King St, W. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.,420 Parrofl BIdg.
WASHINGTON, D.C.,I505 Penn. Ave. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN., 4M Century Bldg. LOS ANGELES, CAL. 525 Stimpson Block.
You have been referred to as being able to steak intelligently of the char=
\\ \fi
acter and the work of . DJWC’; WW
We shall be- gratified if you wil give on the topics named below as
discriminating, fall}. and transparent statements as possible. Jny further
points of criticism or recommendation may be written on the back of this sheet.
Information unfavorable to the candidate will be received in confidence.
1. , Scholarship. WM
2. Success as a teacher. Q/Mvnk '
3. Ability as a disciflinarian. 3W KXW
(Um. “.I_ ..(‘IPJ MM LW :23 Afl/pod, 15W
‘ 4. (Personal appearance. W% W2 m Ale-QA/db MOLQXL
. 2 «we. ., 22 2 2212
r. .M at and reli ious ch racter. " - . . . -'
T) or g a g k WQA/CLfi/m flwm
6. Habits 0r gfiecaliarities likely to interfere with successm . MW ‘
“WA/x; wk) M (x, I I. ‘ i 2