
' -v I. . f-         ;     " They w ill be night meetin' hyur tonight at e arly c andle-lightin', an. the meetin' '11 wind up t ermorrer. A t the wind up of the meetin' we'll ojjen the doors of the church an' babtize t hem candidates that desires fur to be babtized. I r eckon this hyur has been norated aready so's every person understans it. A n ' n eow ef all m inds is discharged we'll crave the benediction." So spoke Brother Jeems A l b r i g h t at the close of the service on Saturday afternoon i n the N o B us'ness church-house. A l l minds seemed to be discharged   whatever that may mean    and the benediction was "craved." Tom Baker and t he other young men w ith h i m sat near the door a nd were the first outside, where they j oined a larger company of their own age who h ad n ot been i n , or if i n at all had remained but a s hort time, and returned to watch the horses, p referring the genial society of those who sat a round o n logs i n the woods, to the instruction a dministered i n allopathic doses to those w ithin.