[WARDEN leaves STERLING.

  STERLING. No, you never were a liar, I'll give

xou credit for that, - so confess the truth - you're

his -


  BLANCHE. [Excited beyond her control.] Listen!

And you shall have the truth if you want it! These

years that he's been befriending me I never dreamed

of loving him nor thought of his loving me. [DICK

sneers.] Wait! No, not even the day my father

was buried, when I learned outright you were


  STERLING. [Surprised.] What do you mean

  BLANCHE. What I say - I learned it then from

a paper of my father's. I shouldn't have kept my

knowledge to myself - I see that now; but I did,

for your sake, not for love of you - the love went

for good that day. But here, a moment ago, I real-

(I J)