colored ribbons and bunches of holly. There are

  doors Right and Left. After the curtain rises on

  an empty stage, RUTH enters quickly; while she

  has her buoyant manner, she is, of course, more

  serious than usual. Sihe carries a bunch of fresh

  violets in her hand. She l-oks about the room with

  a sort of curiosity. ASze is waiting for some one

  to appear. She takes up a silver-framed pho-

  tograph of her brother which stands on a table

  and speaks aloud to it.

  RUTH. I'm glad you're spared this. [With a

long-drawn breath she places the photograph back

upon the table and turns to greet BLANCHE, who

comes in Right.' Good morning, my dear.

                                [She kisses her.

  BLANCHE. Good morning. You've had my

note [RUTH nods.] Thank you. I wanted to
