Feel sure she will do the strong, noble thing -

the difficult thing -not the easy.

  BLANCHE. [Withdraws her hand from RUTH'S.]

No, you ask too much of me, Aunt Ruth; I can't

do it.

  RUTH. I say don't decide now-wait.

  BLANCHE. I don't want to wait. I want to decide

now and to cut my life free, entirely, from Dick's.

  RUTH. You used to agree with me. I've heard

you decry these snapshot, rapid-transit, tunnel

divorces many a time.  I've heard you say when

a woman has made her bed, she must lie in it -

make the best of her bad bargain.

  BLANCHE. I always sympathized with a woman

who sought a divorce in this state.

  RUTH. Oh, yes, but you can't, can you

  BLANCHE. No, but I'm not strong enough to

fight out an unhappy life for the sake of setting an