MRS. HUNTER. Not what You needn't fling

any innuendoes at Mr. Trotter; it's he who said

it was my duty to stand by you, advise you, and

all that sort of thing. I'm not here to please

myself ! Goodness knows, a divorce court isn't

a very pleasant place to spend your honeymoon!

  BLANCHE. Thank both you and Mr. Trotter,

mother; but I ask you to allow Aunt Ruth and me

to decide this matter between us.

  MIRS. HUNTER. Trotter says divorce was made

for woman!

  RUTH. And what was made for man, please


  MRS. HUNTER. I don't know anything about

politics! But I could count a dozen women in a

breath, all divorced, or trying to be, or ought to be!

  RUTH. And each one of them getting a cold
