CLARA. Ah! Got you there! The west is

the place where the divorces come from!

  MRS. HUNTER. [Laughs.] What's the matter

with Providence I think Rhode Island tips the

scales pretty even for the east!

  BLANCHE. Please go, mother; please leave me

for a little while.

  MRS. HUNTER. Oh, very well, good-by! [LEON-

ARD enters Right with a Christnmas parcel, which he

places on the table Right.] Dear me, have you had

all these Christmas presents and not opened them

  BLANCHE. It is only little Richard in this house

who is celebrating Christmas to-day.

  MRS. HUNTER. It's a terrible affair; I only

hope the newspapers won't get hold of it. [To

LEONARD.] If any women come here asking for

me who look like ladies, don't let 'em in! They

ain't my friends; they're reporters.
