STERLING. [Counting out the tablets.] One, two,

To give me hope! To give me hope!

  [He empties the other ten tablets into the envelope,

    twists it up, and throws it in the fireplace.

  BLANCHE. No, no, just the opposite!

  STERLING. Then you've defeated your end,

dear; you will stay here with me.

  BLANCHE. [Trying to make him realize the

exact position.] Opposite you at the table, receiving

our friends, keeping up appearances, yes -but

nearer to you than that No! Never!

  STERLING. But you will stay

                     [LEONARD enters Irom Left.

  LEONARD. Miss Godesby, Mr. Warden.

                                    [They enter.

  [All greet each other. WARDEN nods stiffly to

    STERLING, barely acknowledging his greeting.

  Miss GODESBY. [To STERLING, purposely speak-