brother has kicked up an infernal row, and refuses

to hold his tongue.

  STERLING. Then I'm ruined after all!

  Miss GODESBY. Wait, I've left him with Mr.

Mason.   I feel certain I can assure his silence

if I can only show him some sort of an agreement

to pay, an acknowledgment of the - the - affair,

signed and sealed.

  BLANCHE. Signed by whom

  Miss GODESBY. Your husband and yourself

will do.

  STERLING. But both names are worthless.

  Miss GODESBY. Not as a point of honor.

  STERLING. Ah! no, not my wife's.

  MISS GODESBY. Nor yours to me. Come along!

  [She goes to the table with STERLING, and

    unfolding a paper gives it to him. He

    signs it.