idiot of a brother won't realize that, which is the

point. One thing more - will you both dine with

me next week, Thursday [There is an embarrassed

pause, which, with quick intuition, she understands.]

Yes, you will - for silence gives consent! [Laugh-

ing.] Now, that's settled!

  STERLING. What an awfully good sort you are!

  Miss GODESBY. Thanks, not always - I've

been a mucker more than once in my life! I must

go [Shaking hands with BLANCHE.] and relieve

Mr. Mason of my brother, or he'll be accusing me

of inhuman treatment; more than one consecutive

hour of my brother ought to be prevented by the


  BLANCHE. You are very, very good.

  Miss GODESBY. I think if you and I can get

well over this, we'll be real friends, and I haven't

many, have you