STERLING. Do as I tell you -light the fire.

  LEONARD. [Looking for matches on the mantel,

finds the box empty.] There are no matches, sir;

I must get one.

  STERLING. No, don't go - here - here -

  [He gives him a match /rom his own box.

    LEONARD notices the trembling hand and sup-

    pressed excitement 01 STERLING, and involun-

    tarily glances up, but quickly looks back to his

    work and strikes a match. The match goes out.

  LEONARD. I shall need another match, please,


  STERLING. [With one in his fingers taken /rom

his match-box, he alters his mind.] I have no more.

[He puts away his match-box.] Never mind the

fire; get me a pint bottle of champagne.

  LEONARD. [With a surreptitious side glance o)

curiosity.] Very well, sir.