[He goes out Left.

  STERLING. That was funny; that was very

funny! I wonder if it was accident, or if there's

such a thing as fatality. [He goes to the fireplace

and picks up the twisted envelope.] If not now -

perhaps some other time - who knows [He

thrusts the envelope in his vest pocket, and takes up

the papers again from the table to look over them.]

I can't read these things! [Throwing them down.]

The words mean nothing to me!

  [There is the sound outside of a cork being drawn.

    LEONARD enters with the champagne and a

    glass and places them beside STERLING.

  LEONARD. Shall I light the fire now, sir

  STERLING. No, never mind now.

  LEONARD. Yes, sir.

                             [He goes out Left.

  [STERLING half fills the glass with champagne