He takes out the box of tablets and counts


  STERLLNG. One, two, three, four - [He puts

all in the glass, dropping them as he counts. He

hesitates, then quickly drops in two more and drinks

quickly. The glass is empty. He sits by the table

thinking a moment, then takes a piece of paper

and makes ready his stylographic pen.] Let me see;

can I make it seem accidental; it would be so

much less bother and trouble for them! [He

thinks a second, then writes.] "I have accidentally

taken an overdose of my sleeping draught. I have

tried to call some one, but it's no use. I ask only

one thing, that you forget all my sins, wipe out

their memory with my name. I want my boy to

change his name, too." [He hesitates a moment,

and then scratches that sentence heavily out.] No,

I won't say that. [He waits a moment.] God in

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