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i i 20 Thirty-ninth Annual Report ‘
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    dust made of calcium arsenate, 1 pound, and hydrated lime 9
  1 pounds, gave slightly better protection than any of the other
1, to   insecticides used.
n` E   In tests for the suppression of the cucumber beetle, sodium
i M   fluosilicate did not give as satisfactory results as other poisons,
E 2 ; proving, in mixtures of one pound of the poison to three pounds
      of hydrated lime or land plaster, seriously injurious to the
f   plants. v
      Metabolism in the Chicken. A comparison of calcium car-
, T ·   bonate (limestone), calcium sulfate (gypsum), tricalcium phos-
i - Y A     phate, calcium lactate and calcium chlorid as calcium carriers
_ " — i i for laying hens on a diet of wheat, corn and skim-milk showed
, ·     that calcium carbonate was the most effective, judged by the
t 5 .   number of eggs produced, the average weight of the egg con-
i _ _'¥     tents, the average weight of the shell and the thriftiness of the
;.   fowls. The increased production of egg contents during the
Q` .. ”     presence of calcium carbonate in the diet suggests the inference
i —   rei   that calcium in that form is more favorable to metabolism in
2 ‘i '_ `   _ the chicken than in the other compounds tried. V
  Y     Chickens raised to maturity entirely without grit, in com-
  `_._   · parison with a corresponding lot that received it, were equal
§ Z_   A in every way to those of the check lot, raised under usual con-
, ,·     ditions. The chickens raised without grit received calcium
  _ 9   Q, . carbonate in the form of finely crushed egg-shells. The giz-
    `_‘; ii i.`°   _. zards of the chickens that received no grit were heavier than
’. Y-   [     _ those of the ones receiving it, which suggests increased activity
  ,_,·”_V·_,, Q   ‘ and development.
__ ‘,     g Bacillary White Diarrhea. A comparison of the aggluti-
      ’ c nation test and the intradermal test thru the use of pullorin
  `'`_     for the detection of bacillary white diarrhea has been made in
1     iive flocks of hens with a total of 658 birds. Of this number,
,   _;   147 birds, or 22.3 percent reacted to the agglutination test. Of
  _ l··__.   the 147 birds reacting to the agglutination test, 70 or 47.6 per-
  cent reacted to pullorin. Of 21 birds giving positive reaction <
    to the agglutination test and negative reaction to the intrader- \
  mal test, Bacteria-m pullorum was recovered from 19 on post
  mortem. Bacterzum pruZ.l0rum was not recovered from any one
  . .