i. _.
Kentucky Livestock Anction Sales Organizations 255 “ ·   T V
pom 3. Volume of Bnsiness. An organization must have suffi-   ·
,haSQS_ “ cient volume of business to attract buyers. The larger the vol- Q
Snap`. ume of livestock sold the greater will be the number of buyers _ g l
to tlfg who will compete at the sales. Large volume also means greater  
)u\—Ql·S efficiency in operation. { ‘
N » 4. Gracle of Livestock. The higher the grade of livestock { V
far as sold, the more successful the sale will be from the standpoint of A ‘ l I E
Tivm both buyer and producer.' The buyer, especially the order  
y pri- buyer, wants high grade livestock, and the producer will be _ · ;  
hues more satisfied with prices received. ·  
ud at- 5. Careful W eigking and Grading. Weighing of livestock . p  
tm_i_ inustebe done accurately in fairness to both producer and buyer. l l' t
my go . Grading must be in line with market demands and must be care- ’ . Q
PTM fully performed by experienced livestock men who understand *. 
  and gmdw V if Y
6. Competition Among Buyers. There must be keen com- _ ip,
petition among buyers if the livestock is to bring prices in line   Q
with market conditions. The sales organization must be in a '  
lm The position to bid on livestock to prevent agreements between buy- · _ ‘ -._··p`  
mthod 7. Location. It is generally agreed that the sales must be  
adapt held at points which have proper railroad facilities for trans- p  
kinds pOl'iEll101l of livestock to markets. Buyers like to have livestock i  
Bmw loaded in cars as soon as possible following the sale. Sales at · .  
d SOM towns off the railroad would probably not be successful because  
thm? " of the adverse feeling on the part of the buyers towards trucking i p  
kd as livestock to the railroad after the sale. Sales located within U  
p mst. trucking distance of a central market cannot expect to succeed,  
md of due to the competition of that market. ' .  
cm in 8. Local Situation Must be Studied. Before starting a  
·ess of Sal0$·01‘ganization it is necessary to study carefully the local  
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