L y 26 Thirty-vnnth Annual Report
    Salaries ...................................................... $3,083.34
i i i Labor ...............................................,.._....... 735.50
~   ‘ Postage and Stationery .......................... 137.80
._ V _   Freight and express .............................. 1.26
1 1 Sundry and Laboratory Supplies ......r. 164.99
_ i Travel ........................................................ 1,425.93
' . E Contingent ___________,____,___,...__....,_..__,.....,...., 14.00
l   Total .................................................... $5,562.82 "
Q   Robinson Substation. Seven acres of Reid’s Yellow Dent
1 `C   and six acres of Johnson County Wliite corn gave an average
1 ‘ A     yield of 67 bushels per acre. One acre of Johnson County
» A     White, grown on exceptionally good river bottom land, gave
rl W     a yield of 97 bushels.
. _1   L Alfalfa, seeded in April, 1925, on a 2-acre plot, produced
. . `     from one to one and one-half tons of hay per acre per cutting,
  _   and three cuttings were secured.
li ·     No difference in quality was observed between tobacco
A     V grown high on the hillside this year and that grown on the
lp A V   lowland last year, the fertilizer treatment being the same in
. . . . “    both instances.
V "   T ·~i.   · All the small fruits yielded well, about one hundred gal-
  TQ   . lons of choice berries being secured from a one-eighth acre
, C     planting. . _
t   A   ’ V Thru the demonstrations and results at the Substation,
  _A       = much interest has been aroused in purebred seed and livestock
i ’   V- among the farmers of this community. Assistance has been
.   .   rendered them th1·u the exchange of purebred cockerels and
,_ ._ fj; ijji ,~ seed corn, free service for good dairy cows, and the sale, at a
    ·...     A nominal price, of purebred shotes.
I   1   The forestry work is showing satisfactory progress and
V   _   much attention has been devoted to protection from fire. Many
E ·     new trails have been opened and old ones cleared.
  je;   The first annual Robinson Harvest Festival was held at
  `__‘_V 3 it  the Robinson Substation, Quicksand, September 23-24. Several
  ‘.._   thousand copies of the catalog were printed and distributed
  thruout eastern Kentucky. The interest manifested at this
    festival was remarkable and about one thousand persons were
iwggijr §:· ._’· ]¤_g.L .