Number ‘ Page
264 Steer Feeding, by E. S. Good and L. J. Horlacher ............ 1
265 Two Important Enemies of Bluegrass Pastures, by H.
Garnian .........................A................................,............................... 29
266 The Tobacco Flea-Beetle, by H. H. Jewett .........,.............. 49
267 XVintering Steers with and without Corn Silage Prepara-
tory to Finishing on Grass without Grain, by E. S. Good 71
268 Commercial Feeding Stuffs in Kentucky in 1925, by J. D.
Turner, H. D. Spears, VV. G. Terrell and P. H. Senn ........ 95 .
269 A Study of Clover Failure in Kentucky, by E. N. Fergus
and W. D. Valleau .................................................................... 139
270 Kentucky Livestock Auction Sales Organizations, by E.
C. Johnson .................................................................................... 211
271 Cooperative Marketing and Price Control, by O. B. Jes-
ness ................................................................................................ 257
272 Field Experiments on Soils and Crops, by George
Roberts, E. J. Kinney and J. F. Freeman ............................ 281
273 H0me·Cured Pork, by E. J. Wilford . ................................... _845
274 Man Labor, Horse Work and Materials Used in Produc-
ing Crops in Christian County, by J. B. Hutscrl and W.
G. Finn ..........................................................................,............... 879
275 A Study of the Cost of Producing Tobacco in Kentucky,
by VV. D. Nicholls .....................,............,................................... 435
276 Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers, by H. E. Curtis, H.
R. Allen and Lelah Gault ........................................................ 527