Legume Hay vice Silage in Feeding Steers 11
F8 m` A sununary of the entire experimeiit is give11 i11 Table V.
JOAD 51 Priees of feeds are given at the bottom of this table. No charge
it Per was made for labor 11or for straw used for bedding; neither was
any credit given for any manure produced by tl1e steers, it being
VH Ul considered that this by-product would pay for tl1e labor of
feeding Zlllfl the straw used for bedding.
Summary of First Experiment in Substituting a Legume Hay for Corn
922’ Silage Toward the End of the Feeding Period.
December 28, 1921-April 19, 1922, Inclusive (113 days).
Lot 5
Meal Meal COtt1mS€r_ I
ge 1 Corn Silage ` M lu
, (S6days*) C * gdk
1 Clover Hay Ogér 1 age
—— (27 days*) aw
_ 1 Straw
3. ·
s. l l
3 Number of steers ......,................................, 1 10 1 10
S` Initial weight ................................................ 9,207 lbs.   9,190 lbs.
_' Initial value per ewt ..,..............1..,............... $6.25 1 $6.25
T Final weight ..............,................................... 1 12,113 lbs. 1 12,263 lbs.
j` Total gain ..........................,,........................ 1 2,906 lbs. 1 3,073 lbs.
_` Average daily gain ...................,.........,...... 1 2.571bs. 1 2.721bs.
l •
__ Total Feed Consumed: 1 1
Ot 6 Broken ear corn (59% days) ..............., 1 4,470 lbs.   4,470 lbs.
I 13 Shfélléd COPD (53% days) ...................... 1 8,528 l'bs. 1 8,318 lbs.
1_ Cottonseed meal ......................................   3,059 lbs, 1 3,059 lbs.
rams Sllase .......................................................... 1 35,0se lbs. 142,150 1bs.
This Clover hay ..·.»..»........................................ 1 4,203 lbs. 1 ............ 1
umd Straw --..».................................... . ...,............ 1 113 lbs, 1 728 lbs. `
IOS'; Average Daily Feed Per Steer: 1 i
llw Corn (shelled com basis) .................... 1 10.711bs, 1 1e_5g1bS_
the Cfitwllseéd mwl --·-·»--·-- . ......................... 1 2.71 lbs. 1 2.71 lbs.
udS_ Sllag'3 -—·—------»----~----»·-··-----·-. . -»l..................... 1 40.79 lbs.   37,30 lbs.
11- 1 (S6 days) 1
C‘ Clover hay ................................................ 1 11.2611);;, 1 ___,____________
Cl H 1 (37 days) 1
Straw .......................................................... 1 .10 lbs. 1 _e4 lbs.