9 Legume Hay vice Siiage in Feeding Steers 17
l   TABLE ix. T l
§ T Amounts of Feed Consumed Per Hundred Pounds Gain, November 3,
I  _ 1922, to March 5, 1923, Inclusive (123 days).
)  I.  —T_7_—' __•_ _. ·  '
r 1 Lot 5
L  = Lot 6 »
· Shelled Corn ·
1 Cottonseed Sgéggd Cog; `
y f Meal O hfsaiee
C S'l g . ~
1 e?§$..r‘§...$ Cogggjgge ,
3 ' Straw ‘
E Feed per cwt. gain- I I  
- Shelled corn .............................>..............   593.17 lbs. I 633.03 lbs. l I  
r_ Cottonseed meal ...................................... I 113.59 lbs. I 126.12 lbs. ‘  
H Corn silage .........................,...................... I 968.73 lbs. I 1,515.00 lbs. ‘I
Clover hay .........................l.....l................ I 251.05 lbs. I  
Straw ...................,...o......,........................... I 22.27 lbs. I 36.88 lbs.  
1 A I _ I
1,   l
G Lot 5 gained more than Lot 6. Lot 5 ate more corn than T . *
· . . ;
O I _d1d Lot 6, but required less corn for each hundred pounds of i
[ gain. Lot 5 ate less cottonsccd meal, silage and straw than did  
3 Lot 6, and consequently required much less of each of these feeds P?
H per cwt. gain. In this experiment Lot 5 required 39.86 lbs. less  
_ corn and 12.53 lbs. less cottonseed meal per cwt. gain than did il
11 . Lot 6, while in the preceding experiment Lot 6 required 29.48  
)f lbs. less corn and 4.72 lbs. less cottonseed meal per cwt. gain I
than did Lot 5. ,  
, , . . . . . el
’l‘~ , Lot 5 in this experiment required 238.42 lbs. less silage per  
r · » I,. · II
J cwt. gain than did lot o the year before, but tlns was odset by  
107.42 lbs. more clover hav and 18.39 lbs more straw. This is ¥ I
H · ` . . ·   i
I hartially due to the fact that in the second experiment silage  
WHS fed only 70 days and clover hay was fed 63 days, While ill  
Um first experiment silage was fed 86 days and hay only 37  
days. The cost per cwt. gain is given in Table Xl. The aver-  
Hge daily gains made by eaeh lot are shown in Table X. _  
,   I`