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1 Allen, H. R., and others, Bulletin 276, by ............................................ 527 . 3 °
gf Analyses of comlnercial fertilizers, Bulletin 276, on ........l . .............. 527   Q
7 Auction sales organizations, livestock, Bulletin 270, on ................ 211   _ V .
.1 Bluegrass pastures, two important enemies of, Bulletin 265, on 29   g
; Bluegrass plant bug, the .......l................................................................ 31-43 l    
X treatment for .......................,....,..............,.......................................... 43   g
g Bulletins     _
gi 264. Steer feeding .......................................................................... 1   -
  265. Two important enemies of bluegrass pastures .............. 29 _ ,   _` {
ti 266, The tobacco flea-beetle ...................,....l............................... 49   V
  267. VVintering steers with and without silage preparatory   I ,
1; to finishing on grass without grain ,...................... . ............ 71   .· * · _‘’' ,
  268. Commercial feeding stllffs in Kentucky in 1925 ............ 95 1 ;_ Y
Y 269. A study of clover failure ill Kentucky ......l..................... 139   _.
270. Kentucky livestock auction sales organizations ....... . .... 2-11   7   .:
271. Cooperative marketing and price control ......_........,........ 257   `
{ 272. Field experiments on soils and crops ....,._...._....________________ 281   C 1 J
  273. Home-cured pork ....._.._...........___________.____________________________________ 345   i U -. V
  274. Man labor, horse work and materials used in produ-c- 3}   V ,
  ing C1‘0ps ill Christian County _.__._..,.,.._.......__.....________________ 379 itil    5 _
  275. A study of the cost of producing tobacco in Kentucky 435     -  
  276. Analyses of commercial fertilizers ..........,.....,.....___.____________ 527 L,;..,·_*. ·-.. §
  Christian County, lllflll labor, horse work and materials used in   ff-i".   
,’ producing crops ill, Bulletin 274, on ......_._..................._............... 379     ‘_‘» __i‘;Z.,  
  Clover failure in Kentucky, a study of, Bulletin 269, on ................ 139      
  Commercial feeding stuffs ill Kentucky in 1925, Bulletin 268, on 95    
  Commercial fertilizers, analyses of ......................,..........,.................. 532-699 ,,;,-.7  
  Cooperative marketing and price control, bulletin 271, on ............ 257   `itv  
{ Corn silage, experiments for Iinishing steers, with, Bulletin 267,  
fl on ............................................................................................................ 71 e‘   1
  Cost of producing tobacco in Kentucky, a study of, Bulletin 275, ·»    
  on ..............,....».....................-.----»-----------···----·-»------»--~»--»------------------------- 435 X    
it Cyopg and sgi], {ield experiments, Bulletin 272, OI1 .......................».... 281    
  Curtis, H. E., una others, Bulletin 276, by .........................-.--..».--..--·..-· 527  
t Feeding stuffs, commercial, in Kentucky ill 1925, Bulletin 268, on 95 Ll   gif,
  Fgygug, E_ N_ and XV. D. Valleau, Bulletin 269, by ....... ) .................... 139  
, Fertilizers, Commercial, analysestof, Bulletiu 276, Gu ---l·----·--··-·»--- 527  
j Field experiments on soils Hlld CYODS. BUUQUU 272, OH ----·--·~--——--- 28]-  
- 1 Finn, w. G_ tuul J. B. Hlltsoll, Bulletin 274, by .................................... 379  
` F]ee.beet1e, Tobacco, Blllletin 266, on ....................................----------- · 49  
_ Freeman, J. F. and others, Bulletin 272, by ...........,.--·....----------------·--· 281  
E G·&l`111Ztl`1, H., Blllletin 265, by ......................................,........................... 29  
. ~ - »-   ·»   .    -:9  i. i -7** ** -"