Feminine Net Artists 1o Piny
According to Girls Rules;
Town, Class, Greek Letter
Tennis Planned
Hy Mnrtha Reed
They're off!
Once agnin the rirls of the
of Kentucky hnvc opened a sea
of basketball their favorite
sport. Close upon the heels' of the
began marshalling
holidays the
their forces for what will doubtless
be the most brilliant net season in
the history of the W. A. A.
On the first nftcrnoqn n large num
ber reported for duty and interest
hns increased each day throughout
the week. Some splendid
has been discovered and many new
stars loom on the horizon. Christmas turkeys and candies arc fast becoming vague memories
to these
aspiring ''Amazons" who find the joys
of the court due compensation for
their training and practice.
Inter-clas- s
naments will be held in the near fuManagers and captains from
the various classes and
chapters arc to be selected.
games will be played first and since
n new set of rules will be used this
season those who wish to try for sorority teams are advised to report for
class basketball first and learn the
One additional point toward the annual athletic association trophy will
be awarded for each per cent of any
sorority or dormitory represented in
this sport. Girls playing on both class





and sorority teams will be given only
days, In The Kernel office, does not
one sot of points in the association
enter Into mv work. It is moatlv nil
Interviewing with some news writing."
"To the victor belongs the spoils," and
ranees was one or the most
to the "sticker" belongs the victory,
members of The Kernel stall' and
Kach girl In order to be eligible to
'loved to work." fjhe served as news
place on any tenm must bo present at
editor of The Kernel during the year Do.'in Churlo; Torek, Associates,
a certain per cent of the prescribed
ol lyui, nnd as the result one of lu
pralico hours.
Spend Purl of Ilolfduys in
Pledges living In
best papers ever nuhHshed nl tli nni
dormiloricB may elect to play with
Chicago; Law Association
versity, came out during her time of
their sorority or on their "hnll
Sets Standards
management In the news department.
team. A special town team will be
&nc was a member of Tlieta Sigma
arranged for girls who live in Lex
Phi, honorary journalism fraternity
ington and do not wish to play on the
and of Mortar Hoard, honorary wom
team of a
Dean Charles J. Turck. Prof. W.
(Hy Norman Allen)
head with a gentle hand, and mur- en s
iratcrnity in scholarship. The Lewis Roberts and Prof. II. J. Scar
The W. A. A. Is anxious that every
mured approvingly;
Kernel and all those who know her borough, of the College of Law fac
woman student in the university who
"Thntsaboy! By my beard, you're a wish for her a most
successful career. ulty, were the University of Ken
We nrc now offering, after much chip off the old block!"
Is at all interested in basketball take
tucky representatives nt the annual
part in this sport. Second teams will undue consideration, a valuable prize
meeting of the Association of Amerbe provided for those who do not mnkc to any university student who can esYOURS HOPEFULLY
ican Law schools held In Chicairo. on
first string lineups. This year, as tablish proof of being modest to the
We were
enough to
of telling the folks back home forget when we
never before in the history of the extent
Dinner December 29 to .'11.
really didn't intend
institution, the nim of the W. A. A thnt he or she was merely "going to to uo so, as we usually don't do, beg
Prof. 0. K. McMurrnv. dean nf the
Is to provide nthletic activity for every school nt Lexington" instead of "atging your pardon for making this sen Annual Custom Takes Place in University of California College of
tending the University of Kentucky." tencc slightly ambiguous to wish
girl on the campus. This is your as
Phoenix Palm Room ; Dean . Law. nresided at the meetinir. which
sociation and the sports are provided
was divided into two general parts.
you a merry Christmas and the un
Anderson Entertains
for your benefit and enjoyment.
Hand was the principal
usually happy New Year when the
Once there was a college student tune was ripe for words to that efAccording to their annual custom, speaker at the first general session.
Girls' rules will be used entirely
and his subject was "Have the Bench
throughout the Benson. Those of you who wended his way home along the fect; wherefore, we now offer humble ine taculty members of the College
ot Engineering held their family din- and Bar Anything to Contribute to the
who have never seen a game played .road from learning for some reason apologies.
by the new
court method or other for Christmas, maybe and
For this lack of politeness we have ner Tuesday niirht In tin. Pnlm vnnm Teaching of Law?" At the second
have a surprise in store for you. The who told his father of all his activities been striving earnestly to atone by of the Phoenix hotel. Attractive fa meeting a paper was read hy E. R.
game is faster if anything thnn the in college.
teigning usurious interest in the nost vors in the form of
on bumlcrlancl, professor at Michigan, on
Among other things, he told of
old rush and tumble affair of yesterChristmas stories some of the folks which were nasteI nicturns nf th fa "Evolution of Remedial Rights." Thn
year when girls would be boys. The let's see. There was the poor col- have been lending to our ears. Tales ulty were distributee! to each of ihe rest of the time was spent on round
tablb discussions on different points of
lv members present.
new method presents basketball re lege widow whom he took to the Ben ot leasting, dancing, peace and
Following the dinner.
fined, demanding more skill and re Ail and thence to a hop one night, In they were, many of which were by no
p.mi aw.
duced to a science.
The Association of American Lnw
For girls it has a vain olfort to chase from her mind means dry as Christmas stories go; Anderson was host to a theater party
evolved into a game where teamwork sad memories of the beloved departed. and one stranee to tell, was an honost at the Ben Ali. Those who attended schools sets the standards for all hlirli
is especially at a par.- - No longer Then, on another night, playing the
love story of how she was the dinner and theater imrtv worm P grade American law schools, and the
will we sec one star or a few play the philanthropist, he visited a little girl so deadly in earnest when she told Paul Anderson, C. H. Anderson, T. M. University of Kentucky
College of
whole game a la grandstand. Gone who was more than fifty miles from him that she adored him.
Artie, B. Barnett, W. II. Briand, E. Law is a member of this association.
arc the days when girls ran the entire home and mother and father poor
Whatever cheer, liquid or otherwise A. Bureau, M. W. Bebee, F. M. Beck-leE. B. Crowder. W. E. Fiwrnnn uttttttjtntttJt
floor for sensational baskets. The child! On Hallowe'en night, while all may have been yours this Christmas.
single dribble will be used and only others made merry and shouted their tide, we wish you as much more for C Flynn, R. D. Hawkins, W. D. Hillen,
Correct Glasses For
u. Jett, J. It. Johnson, L. E. Nollau.
the three forwurds permitted to shoot. paens of victory after Centre's the New Year as is good for your
C. J. Norwood. W. A Newm.ui. T. s
Inter - class and inter - sorority memorable defeat, he made the not health.
O'Bannon, J. II. Rice, D. N. Sine
matches will be played soon in the uncommon astronomical experiment of
womans gymnasium. Watch
Direct your gaze, please, to the fol- S. T. Saunier. D. V. Terrell. T. TWlr
the watching the moon shine through a
DR. C. W.
Kernel for dates. A small charge will fruit jar. And, next day, because lowing, a part of which was taken J. Thurman and I. G. Watkins.
be made for these games and every that observation had so taken up his from a King Features Syndicate ad:
Results of nhveical
attention the night before, he "flunk "Club women of Sioux Falls, S. D.,
108 Walnut Street Over
ed" a quiz on the more commonplace who edited the Press for one day, the freshmen show that one sixth of
subject of zoology.
Union Bus Station
eliminated many things to which the This class had dpfnrnw.fl olim,!,!.-- ..
condition, according to reasons
As the reader may have inferred readers had been accustomed. They
given by those examined, is caused
Scientific Eye Examinations
from the title of this er well, it. kept only one comic strip, George
by the habit of Imldino- ffcn iff
there is a tinge of the unreal about
"Bringing Up Father," famil- on the window ledge of automobiles.
Prices THAT Please
the foregoing. To prove that there iarly known as "Jiggs," because it
University of Rochester "Campus."
is, we make this bold statement:
was best." Why not? Mrs. Jiggs is a
The proud father caressed the filial club woman herself.






Engineering Faculty








member of the student body is urged
to back the girls. Come out and sup


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port your class team or your favorite
oronty group.
Woman's athletics at Kentucky is
both a means and an end in itself.
The joy of the game is our
Dr. A. S. Loevenhart, Former U.
reward. Basketball is the only K. Student, Says Certain In- -.
sport wherein we strive to have defsanity Cases May be Revoinite games for the benefit of the publutionized by Arsenic
lic. We believe that the girls of the
university merit your support in these
contests as much as do the boys in
their various types of sports.
Dr. A. S. Loevenhart, referred to in
the following story, is a son of Mrs.
Henry Loevenhart and a brother of
Maurice Loevenhart. Doctor LoevenAlumnus Will Deliver, Series of hart was born in Lexington, graduated at the University of Kentucky and
Lectures on Law
later at John Hopkins, where he was
The advanced students in the Col- assistant professor in chemistry. He
lege of Law were addressed, Tuesday went from John Hopkins to the Unimorning, by Judge R. C. Stoll, of the versity of Wisconsin, where he is proFayette circuit court, in the first of fessor of pharmacology and toxicol.
a series of lectures which he will ogy.
deliver to the students.
A year of achievement behind it,
Judge Stoll selected "Instructions to science looks to 1926 as providing
Juriesi' as his topic and read a num- further opportunity to relieve sufferber of the charges which he has de- ing, to combat disease and to throw
livered to Fayette juries on murder, light on hidden mysteries in medimanslaughter, insanity and house- cine, history, biology, zoology and
kindred fields.
Judge Stoll is a graduate of the
Discoveries of 1925, outlined
University of Kentucky and one of its meetings of scientific bodies during
most loyal alumni. These addresses the last days of the year will be made
are very inspirational and much good the basis of the endeavors of 1926.
will be derived from them by the stuReports of the results of research
dents in the College of Law.
and, experiments were made at meetings of the American Societies for
LOST In dispensary Century ReadExperimental Biology in Cleveland;
ings in English Literature. Finder
the American Society for Zoologists
to Mabel Hill or to the in New Haven,
please return
Conn.; the American
Society for the Advancement of
Science at Kansas City; the Society of
American Bacteriologists in Madison,
Wis. and announcements of colleges
and " universities. Among the findings were:
Treatment of certain cases of insanity may be revolutionized by use
of arsenic which checks paresis Dr.
A. S. Loevenhart, University of Wisconsin.

Cancr is not an infectious disease
Dr. James D. Murphy, of the Rockefeller Institute fot Medical Research.
Cancer cannot be developed except
by persons in whom there is a hered-

itary cancerous strain, and:
Even persons tainted at birth with
a cancerous strain cannot develop the
disease spontaneously, but
through the agency of environmental
factors, chief among which is
irritation Dr. L. C. Strong,
Harvard University.

Journalism Student
Sends Us Good News
Frances Kane, 1925 News Editor
of Kernel, Now Doing Publicity for Vaudeville Exchange
In a most interesting letter
Prof. Enoch Grehan, head of .the Department of Journalism, from Frances
Ky., who was
Kane, of Lexington,
graduated in the class of 1925, she
stated that her first year in newspaper work has been very successful.
Miss Kane wrote that she has a position in the publicity dapartment of
Vaudeville Exchange
in New York City. In her letter she
said that: "It is not as interesting as
newspaper work, because the last
minute rush which came on Thurs- Keith-Albe-










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